I think that some people need to get a life. I grew up drinking unpasturized milk, water with so much iron in it it would settle to the bottom of the pitcher. We ate fresh food right out of the garden, many times with dirt on because we didn't care. If the food was not canned, pickled, salted, smoked, dried or frozen, had to eat in a week. Mom baked twice a week with more lard and sugar than is recommended I should have in a year. Favorite foods to this day are headcheese, smoked suckers and bacon, pickled eggs and herring. Our fertilizer had more more chemicals than I want to know and really don't care about. When fast food came around ate as much as I could find, even though it contains things that people who want to save the world say is going to kill me. Since I started working I have called in sick for a total of four days. I also smoke, drink and enjoy life in all ways legally possible to the fullest. Sorry reynoldston even though I like a Mac and fries, I think this guy would be better off with a couple of Woppers, Onion rings, cheese curds and 2or3 PBR's. Live your life to the fullest and let others live theirs as they wish. If you wish to push an agenda on things other than those things about LawnWorld, please find another forum. Have to go clean a carb and sniff some cleaning chemicals.