Kohler courage sv715-3036 2013


Jan 2, 2023
Hello from Southwest Florida. I have a problem with my Toro ss4235. My area had some flooding during Hurricane Ian. My area hasn't flooded in 22 years living here. I've just been lucky. I have a split-level lot, my house is on higher ground, my shed sits about 30" lower where my mower is stored. The storm moved in, and my mower sat in about a foot of water for 3 days, this included the lower half of the motor. I finally got it moved to my carport and replaced the brake control module, the solenoid, the starter and battery. when I tried to start it I got about a half cup of water out of the exhaust. The motor turned over but no spark. I do have an oil change kit. When I drained the oil, I got roughly a half inch of water out of the case with the oil in a 3" diameter can. I've searched high and low on YouTube and several other sites. From the results I got it seems this has never happened before. Then I found LawnWorld and decided to try finding an answer on how to flush any remaining water out of the engine block. Any suggestions will certainly be appreciated.


Jan 2, 2023
Hello from Southwest Florida. I have a problem with my Toro ss4235. My area had some flooding during Hurricane Ian. My area hasn't flooded in 22 years living here. I've just been lucky. I have a split-level lot, my house is on higher ground, my shed sits about 30" lower where my mower is stored. The storm moved in, and my mower sat in about a foot of water for 3 days, this included the lower half of the motor. I finally got it moved to my carport and replaced the brake control module, the solenoid, the starter and battery. when I tried to start it I got about a half cup of water out of the exhaust. The motor turned over but no spark. I do have an oil change kit. When I drained the oil, I got roughly a half inch of water out of the case with the oil in a 3" diameter can. I've searched high and low on YouTube and several other sites. From the results I got it seems this has never happened before. Then I found LawnWorld and decided to try finding an answer on how to flush any remaining water out of the engine block. Any suggestions will certainly be appreciated.
I'd like to thank everyone for the warm welcome, and the many great suggestions I've gotten on how to solve my problem, /S


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
Welcome Boomer
No need for sarcasm.
THis is a orum, not Face Book or Twitter where posts must be replied to in 5 µsec or less .
I for one have been on holidays
And my shop got flooded earlier this year
So it is kerro ( parrafin to some ) in the sump, spark plug removed & engine cranked for a few minutes in 30 second boosts
Drain, refill repeat till it comes out clean
Then light oil ( 5W 30, 10W 30 etc ) engine cranked a few minutes then plug returned & engine run .
Usually do a full mow then replace oil & filter with whatever the mower usually uses
Remove the blower housing and remove the kill wire to the magneto coil
If the engine fires up then you have water damage to one or more of the switches or the plugs that go on them
Liberal amounts of WD 40 ( or similar ) will usually sort it out .