Ok! You are 100% correct and thank you for the info so farLooks can be deceiving with the float needle. There is no Rubber seat in these carbs, as you will see the needle tip is rubber. (Viton)
Post the Model and Spec number of the engine (SV600-_ _ _ _ ) So we can look up the correct parts/check if you have the correct parts.
Also be sure the hole where the needle seats/fuel inlet is, is clean.
Awesome ty for the pointers!With the float assembled but bowl not turn the carb upside down
The weight of the float should be enough to prevent 7-10 psi of air
With the carb upside down & vertical the float should sit horizontal
If it touched the carb then the needle is too small , too damaged, the float is damaged or the seat is too high .
The carb solenoid does not shut off the fuel supply to the carb.
It plugs the end of the main jet feed so fuel can not enter the engine .
The seat needs to be cleaned
you can cut some scotchbrite , poke it down the hole& twist
Steel wool can be used the same way
I use an end mill or a pencil wire brush between my fingers
Then have a good look at the hole in the seat, some times a very careful twist from a drill bit will restore the edge good enough to make a seal.
The needle in your image is stuffed .
A polite way to say bend over & spread em , totally beyond use , etc
The inlet needle does appears to be ringed along being dirty.
The OP needs to replace the needle and seat on the carburetor. A known problem area with these Walbro carbs. Now the question is it gravity or pump fed? IPL appears to indicate gravity fed but just need to be sure as there are two different kits for these carbs.
Note: Most online IPLs will not list these needle/seat kits but they are available.
Also, that is awesome that there is a member here from the other side of the planetif you look close at the rubber tip, it appears scuffed, any imperfections can cause it to leak. Bert is from Down Under so either stuffed is the term down there or it was a mis-type. He may not have had his coffee yet.
This makes sense! The carb is gravity fed from a tank that sits just a little higher than the engine behind the steering wheel. I have seen some videos of people using bolts to extract the seat - I haven't seen an example for this particular carb but I think the process makes sense....
Do you happen to know a part number or where I could pick up a new seat / needle combo? I will try to clean it first but replacement might be the better option.
Hey thanks a million for linking thatYou actually use the installed bowl screw and lever the seat with the large pliers [longer the handles the better]. That is why they provide you the bowl screw.
I know not the best instructions provided but that is how it is done.
I have done it like that a few times myself. Also I have used the two mounting nuts, jam them together on the left stud and then unscrew the left stud to be able to rotate the carb. the right stud is square headed to the back of the plastic carb mounting isolator. And is held on by the screw that connects the ground wire for the solenoid Don't like that one as much due to possibly tearing the gasket behind it when you rotate the isolatorHey thanks a million for linking thatCan't tell you how helpful that is - I spent hours trying to find part numbers and figure this out before coming here.
This carb has a fuel shutoff solenoid that holds the bowl to the carb body - is that typically done with the screw? The design is actually quite obnoxious as you can only attach the bowl and solenoid once the carb body is on the mounting studs. The solenoid sticks down far enough that it interferes with the frame of the mower when you try to take the carb on/off. So... I get to put the bowl and solenoid on in place every time.
Edit: And regarding pliers - I have some 10" linesman pliers that I use for electrical around the house so... that should get the job done![]()
Yep, i don't care for that mounting design very much, guess it cost too much to drill and tap an extra hole for a studI have done it like that a few times myself. Also I have used the two mounting nuts, jam them together on the left stud and then unscrew the left stud to be able to rotate the carb. the right stud is square headed to the back of the plastic carb mounting isolator. And is held on by the screw that connects the ground wire for the solenoid Don't like that one as much due to possibly tearing the gasket behind it when you rotate the isolator
I was extremely surprised to discover it was done this way. Rotating the carb does make sense, but it probably isn't worth the risk. Oh, also my grounding wire totally broke at the screw in the carb so I need to get a new end for itYep, i don't care for that mounting design very much, guess it cost too much to drill and tap an extra hole for a stud
If it leaks when sitting and key off, the fuel solenoid only prevents the fuel from getting to fuel passages. Thus the float if can be gravity fed, can leak by and overflow. The carb has an atmospheric vent for the bowl, so the fuel overcomes the float and either comes out the vent or if the top bowl gasket is no good, it will leak there. The fuel solenoids are known to cause no start or lack of fuel issues intermittently when sticky.Looks can be deceiving with the float needle. There is no Rubber seat in these carbs, as you will see the needle tip is rubber. (Viton)
Post the Model and Spec number of the engine (SV600-_ _ _ _ ) So we can look up the correct parts/check if you have the correct parts.
Also be sure the hole where the needle seats/fuel inlet is, is clean.
Ok some more pictures. Here is the bottom of the carb:
View attachment 59707
Here is a tighter version of just the float valve needle seat:
View attachment 59708
Here is the float valve needle - the current one:
View attachment 59709
Is carb cleaner enough to clean this up? The needle doesn't seem like it wants to get stuck when I take it in or out of the seat.
TOk some more pictures. Here is the bottom of the carb:
View attachment 59707
Here is a tighter version of just the float valve needle seat:
View attachment 59708
Here is the float valve needle - the current one:
View attachment 59709
Is carb cleaner enough to clean this up? The needle doesn't seem like it wants to get stuck when I take it in or out of the seat.
Hey thanks! I replaced the bowl gasket prior to getting on these forums - that seems like it is holding okIf it leaks when sitting and key off, the fuel solenoid only prevents the fuel from getting to fuel passages. Thus the float if can be gravity fed, can leak by and overflow. The carb has an atmospheric vent for the bowl, so the fuel overcomes the float and either comes out the vent or if the top bowl gasket is no good, it will leak there. The fuel solenoids are known to cause no start or lack of fuel issues intermittently when sticky.
Not necessarily as it can to a point that cause flooding at off load engine speeds. Besides shut-off valve is only a band aid approach to the problem. They are find for problem of seepage overnight and transportation induced porblems. I have seen needle seats to etched and even brand new needle valves will still leak. Now if you have a six point countersink bit of the right and angle the seat can be cleaned but if it leaking around the outside sealing surface nothing will be a permanent fix except replacement.A shut-off valve as close to the carb as possible will also make this problem go away, but clean that carb first and keep the steel wool away from it.
Or maybe you got heck set of lungs. I don't as Pneumonia took a lot that away. which why Covid would probably take me of this old mean world. It is like some people can smell gas in oil but I have never been able to do that either. I cant where carburetor with 8 psi of pressure is leaking down pass 7 psi without a gauge.Maybe you can’t get these methods to work for you, but they have worked for me when I’ve had to resort to them in the field or to salvage a NLA carb. Maybe I’m the luckiest old fart tech around. Yes, I have lapping compound and Q-tips in my travel tool box.
Awesome I will give that a tryyou should be to keep it running by setting the park brake. Blades disengaged.
I saw a video with a fix for this particular carb that involved removing the limiter from the fuel adjustment knob and turning it up even further than normally allowed. Is there a reason that it would be running outside of spec when it fired up and ran just a couple months ago? It definitely seems lean to me but could the governor be involved? Not being able to look down the carb while it's running does make this a little frustrating. Perhaps I can fix that tomorrow.Yes you are lean
Not enough fuel or air entering after carb
Those induction tachs should only have the pick up wound in one direction , not run back across themselves or tied in a knot
I bought a used 2014 Troy-Bilt mower a few months ago and it has been leaking gas from the carb. The carburetor says "Walbro 3" on the side. As I mentioned in the title it is running a Kohler Courage 20 engine and I believe the model is an SV600. The SV470-SV620 service manual matches what I see.
The gas leak is coming out of the jet (insofar as I can tell) and ultimately out of the air inlet by the choke plate which makes me think that 2 things are going on:
1) The fuel shut off solenoid doesn't work (maybe)
2) The float valve isn't seating properly and gas continues to flow into the bowl.
I have a small rebuild kit that has all the gaskets needed for the carb, to include a new float valve needle. The float valve needle currently in the carburetor looks brand new - the guy I bought it from claims to have serviced the carb before selling it. The odd thing is that there doesn't appear to be any kind of a rubber gasket at the bottom of the float valve needle seat... The kit I bought has a small gasket that seems slightly too large for insertion into the seat though the rubber end of the float needle appears to be just the right size for it.
Additionally, if I insert the float valve needle directly into the seat as-is (with no gasket installed) the back of the needle is perfectly flush with the back of the seat; everything seems to play nice together. Still... the darn thing is leaking so I'm kind of at a loss. I'm tempted to spend the $150 to buy a new OEM carb for it but I think I might be close to getting it fixed... any advice would be most appreciated.
Can provide photos if that would be helpful![]()
Hey thanks! I have solved that particular issue and now seem to have a fuel mixture problem. I really appreciate you pointing out that part number though! Thank you!20-521-01-S is the part no. for the inlet needle and seat along with the instructions to install it. The original seat was brass and would pit over time with the alcohol in the fuel. The new seat is zinc and won't pit due to alcohol. Is $32.00 and change on Amazon.
Mine also appears to be overtightened. The rim of the valve cover actually looks bent to me... I have some sealant and a new cork gasket on the way.Interesting
The only gasket we seem to get here is the cork one
I usually go 2-5-4-1-7-3-6
But that is only after flattening the cover
Nearly every one I have come across the holes are dimpled in from being over tightened .
Possibly the original design was to be pressed from thicker steel
Thanks!Rubbing alcohol works good at removing RTV.
I believe those screws are T50 torx bit
MTD 710-1314A
Yeah sadly I have done all of that, including backing out the idle adjustment screw almost all the way.Make sure the Idle screw (not the mixture screw) is screwed out some, that screw makes physical contact with the throttle shaft where the linkage hooks to to set your idle rpm.
If that checks out, I'd do this, dont worry about torquing the nut. just get it tight.![]()
And just I have nearly 10K in tools in order to run a decent shop. And I just spent $200 to do a $100 job but I wouldn't need to buy the same tools again on the next job.So my $500 mower has turned into about a $1300 mower after factoring in new tools, parts etc. Not quite the "deal" I was looking for but it works and it was a little less expensive than a new one. I've also learned *a lot* about small engine repair, carburetors etc. Hopefully this thing continues to run for a few more years.
And plus, you know the work was done right!Just a follow up to finish discussing my fixes. I've fixed just about everything so far... there were a few more problems...
So my $500 mower has turned into about a $1300 mower after factoring in new tools, parts etc. Not quite the "deal" I was looking for but it works and it was a little less expensive than a new one. I've also learned *a lot* about small engine repair, carburetors etc. Hopefully this thing continues to run for a few more years.
- Accelerator bracket replacement
- I replaced the old accelerator bracket with a new one, but this was while replacing all the internal belts
- View attachment 60983
- In order to replace this I had to drop the blade deck and take off all the springs connected to the shaft this bracket is connected to.
- There is a strange circular retaining clip in front of this bracket that has to be forced off (see item #31 in the diagram below)
- The kotter pin (part #23) has to be removed and then the strange wrench like brace has to be separated from the bracket.
- Once part 71 is removed (the mounting bracket for the shaft) then the accelerator bracket can slide off.
- View attachment 60984
- The new bracket did not have tapped screw holes for the pedal to mount in to - I had to tap it with a 5/16 18 thread count tap.
- See the "Illustrated Parts Manual" for the transmatic 780 to get these same diagrams.
- I had to replace the transmission pulley that sits underneath the driver's seat as it had become stripped:
- View attachment 60985
- The flange nut on the top was seized in place, making it impossible to remove the pulley without impact tools.
- I was able to drop the transmission off the tractor, manipulate its orientation and have just enough room to use a 23mm service wrench holding the underside of the transmission hub against the frame and a 7/8" impact socket with an extension and a U joint to remove the flange nut.
- I had to order a replacement pulley and hub as both were stripped beyond usability - you can see a side by side comparison here:
- View attachment 60986
- Also I had to get a small pulley puller from Autozone in order to get the hub off the splined transmission shaft.
- My tractor was in disassembled state for quite a while as I collected all the parts and tools I needed:
View attachment 60987- Belts required replacement
- The deck belt had slipped off multiple times and was either sized incorrectly or stretched out too far.
- The internal belts looked serviceable but it seemed like the right time to swap them
- I could not find a correctly sized transmission belt, but the original showed no signs of wear (probably because it doesn't slip across the pulleys like the other belts) so I left it in place. It is working so far.
- Idler pulleys & bracket needed replacement
- The old idler pulleys had been damaged by the belt slipping off. It seemed that they were not in proper alignment on top of the blade deck:
- View attachment 60988
- I ordered a new bracket for the idler pulley that is connected directly to the PTO cable (the nearest pulley in this image), replacement idler pulleys and replacement "brakes" for the idlers. I also got new belt retainer brackets (those black guards that stick up and over the pulleys)
- The new bracket did not come with tapped screw holes for the brake so I, again, had to tap new holes into it. It needed a 1/4 20 thread count tap for those screws.
- Ironically the new bracket seemed identical to the old one in terms of its shape so I don't think the bracket was playing a part. I replaced it to be certain
- View attachment 60989
- I should have taken a picture of the entire deck reassembled but I was tired and wanted to mow the lawn
Here is the newly assembled bracket and idler with the new brake and belt guard. Notice that the new belt guard does not stick out over the top of the pulley. That will be super nice for replacing the belt as the older design required removal of the entire assembly. Now it can be done with just the pulley out.
- View attachment 60990
- After all this it decided that it wouldn't start anymore
- Turns out the PTO lever isn't returning home all the way so it has to be pushed further back towards "PTO off" in order to start the mower. I can live with that for now.
- I just took it out for a spin
- The new blade deck idler pulley aligns better with the main crankshaft pulley - I think the belt geometry is better than before
- The new belt guards also seem to be keeping the belt in place.
- The new transmission pulley combined with the new accelerator bracket have greatly improved the speed of the mower. Still not as fast as I'd like, but a lot better.
Man I want to go buy an electric![]()
I bought a '99 Maxima back in 2014 to learn to drive stick. I think I spent like $2k on tools while I owned it but a lot of them came in handy here. Shame is that I own everything needed to fix a Japanese import but nothing is standard lol. I had to go buy a 7/8" impact socket just for this thingAnd just I have nearly 10K in tools in order to run a decent shop. And I just spent $200 to do a $100 job but I wouldn't need to buy the same tools again on the next job.
Haha that might be up for debate!!!And plus, you know the work was done right!![]()
Hey thanks!Carb is still dirty. Need to:
1.KEEP and remove OEM carb from engine. Break it down removing all small parts. Boil clean the carb on your stove top with water and those automatic dishwasher balls. Use a candy thermometer to keep water/soap temp at 200F. Boil for 30 minutes. Rinse well in clean water to neutralize after. Blow out with compressed air. Reassemble carb. Flip carb over and blow test carb needle/seat (fuel inlet pipe). Should hold 7psi for 30 minutes.
2.Remove fuel tank. Clean out 100% with compressed air. Install new fuel line, filter and shut off valve if you have room.
3.Clean block and cooling fins YEARLY per your engine manual. Remove top metal engine shroud exposing cooling fins. Neglect this and you will get engine damage.
4.Adjust valves per your engine manual yearly.
5.Decarbon cylinder and valves every 5 years or suggested interval in your engine manual. Neglect this and you will get engine damage.
I see a small mud slide on top on your block. And some oil/grit forming by the plug area. Need to clean all that off.
Hope you are not running it long with the shroud off. These are air cooled.
Mower engines like this heat up to max temp in like 1-3 minutes. As in very fast.
Do you feel that detent about 3/4 of full throttle? IN that detent, that is your max rev throttle cable setting with NO choke. Your carb linkage is all fouled up.