Kohler Couger XT-7 & Courage XT-7


Lawn Addict
May 14, 2010
Kohler has had problems with the diaphragm that is suppose to open the choke partway until the engines warms up and the other choke finishs opening it. Kohler is well aware of the needle valve issue with the carb built from serial number 37XXXXXXX something to 39XXXXXXXX something and if your engine falls within the specified by the kohler bulletin the dealers are replacing the carb or needle valve under warranty per Kohler instructions.

Thanks for the info put my Kohler engine mower away an hour ago gonna run out and check the number now....oh crud my engine begins with 38 and the warranty has probably expired by now. Thanks for the heads up.


Jun 20, 2011
Interesting thread, I'll have to keep an eye on this. I'm now on my 3rd Kohler Courage engine. The first was an XT-6 that ran great, but only ran it twice (another part on the mower broke on its second use so I returned it..was a Husqvarna). The second one was a Huskee (from tractor supply) with an XT-7. That motor had issues.. wouldn't run at a steam RPM once it warmed up. Always up down up down up down in RPM's.. like it was always running out of gas. Returned it to get the exact same mower only with self propulsion (decided I didn't like pushing), this one doesn't have any issues whatsoever. Been using it about 2 months now.. hopefully I don't run into the issues mentioned here.


Jun 20, 2011
Quick update here.

My XT-7 is still going strong. This thing is a beast of an engine. More power than any other push-mower I've owned. Just mowed a lawn yesterday that was almost as high as my knees (bagging the grass), this thing just charged right through it. Tons of torque.

I'm going to throw one of those shredder blades on it from lowes.. that should make it even better.


Forum Newbie
Jun 4, 2011
I don't know if a carb rebuild with new needle and spring will fix it but often times if a needle is getting stuck, as you said, a new one will help and it's the cheapest thing to try, which is where I try to start. It sounds like the whole thing is low quality which doesn't surprise me with a Kohler, especially the Chinese made XT line. Obviously if you can get a whole knew carb for $30 shipped, that's the best thing. That said, I hope the new carb doesn't have the same problems. I am not a mechanic, nor do I play one on tv :biggrin: I was just saying what I would try if bringing it in for warranty work is a huge hastle.

Anyway, good luck to everyone, I feel bad you are having such trouble with new engines. It's a shame Kohler has gone cheap like this because they used to make some of the best engines out there.

O.K.... sorry for the delayed info. I bought my Kohler @ Home Depot and finally got mad enough to bring it back to THEM! They said they would have it serviced under warranty, no cost to me. Supposedly a new carb was put on(that was around june/july) and it has given me no problems so far. I guess kohler has had enough problems with this particular issue and warranty work was easily obtainable. This is now a known issue and it was taken care of for me by Home Depot and Kohler. I'm lucky this did not turn into more of an issue. Good luck to all......


Forum Newbie
Jun 4, 2011
Following up on my previous Kohler xt7 posts here. I had the corroded needle/float problem..... leaking gas. Sorry for the delayed info. and not posting the end to my case sooner. I bought my Kohler @ Home Depot and finally got mad enough to bring it back to THEM! They said they would have it serviced under warranty, no cost to me. Supposedly a new carb was put on(that was around june/july) and it has given me no problems so far. I also coaxed a new air filter out of them as the leaking gas ruined mine. I guess kohler has had enough problems with this particular issue and warranty work was easily obtainable. This is now a known issue and it was taken care of for me by Home Depot and Kohler. I'm lucky this did not turn into more of an issue. Thanks to all for the information here & Good luck to all......


Forum Newbie
Jun 6, 2012
Greetings from South Africa;
The Kohler XT-6/XT-7 have been in our country for a couple of years. Previously, our market was dominated by Briggs&Stratton. We have sold numerous of these motors and have had nothing but great service from these little motors. In response to many of the carburettor problems, it would appear that you have more of a fuel issue than a carburettor problem as we have not experienced any carburettor issues. The only issues that we've had were a couple of recoil starters that the factory replaced as they were aware of some problems and our first batch of motors had the auto-choke mechanism, which apparently caused some problems, but those that we sold never gave any trouble.
All in all, we rate them very highly.

Dwayne Oxford

Jul 16, 2014
Mine had gotten progressively harder to start, finally wouldn't, hit a few little licks and quit. Took carb off, in engine side of venturi I saw/felt the adjustment needle screw, which has a "special" dimmercrap EPA head that the unfortunate "user" is unable to turn. What I'd prob do is take dremel with cutoff wheel and cut a screwdriver slot in the head and back it out 1/4 to1/2 turn and see what happens.:smile::biggrin:


Forum Newbie
Sep 11, 2018
I copied this post from one I posted in the new member area. I figured it would get a little more view-ability here! Thanks in advance for any feedback:

Hi everyone, first post on this forum. Looks like a very helpful site! Anyway, I could not resist posting because I also have A lawnmower with this kohler xt7 engine. It's the last year toro super recycler (bought in april). I have always purchased lower line $200 dollar yard machines and decided to spend some more $$ and get a higher quality one. This mower was awesome all year long - started on the first pull every time. Followed the service schedule to the tee since I paid over $500 for this thing (replaced plug, drained oil, run it dry prior to storage and changed air filter). Went to fire it up this spring and it ran for about 2 minutes and choked out. Would not restart! I thought maybe a put old gas in it since the gas I used was about 3 months old - 87 oct. Replaced with new and still would not start. I talked to my local Toro dealership and they said to unscrew the nut on the carb bowl and make sure fuel is flowing through there. Flushed it with new fuel and the fuel went through successfully, but since i have no experiene with this i dont know if there was a partial blockage. Still did not start so i took it in to them and after about 1 week they said it was burning oil and some gasket had a leak? I am still learning about how these engines work, but for a 1 year old motor this is unacceptable. They are still checking with kohler about a kit to fix this and if it is covered under warranty. I will be furious if they come back and say it was "bad gas". I am wondering if what js is speaking of related. This mower may have about 15 hours of use!

I had the same identical happening, tried everything and everyone, going to just give it away.