Kohler diodes are built into the modules not in the kill wire like Briggs. And the problem the OP is having is his system requires a 12 volt source to power the Spark Advance Module which is missing from his engine, therefore his current modules won't fire.Try and run after disconnecting the kill wire from the mags/coils. Kill wires on Briggs and Kohler twins use a diode in the line to prevent feedback
The part number you provided me is showing me a CDI set, which is capacitive discharge ignition not the MDI you're talking about (magnetic discharge ignition). Is this right? https://www.kohler-engine-parts.ope...5lYxVHBEULEagmPeXHGSEvDT1qLS7gDEaAp4eEALw_wcBthe 24 755 307-s ignition system I listed has mdi coils with built in spark advance. no sam needed