If I have moved any of the linkages incorrectly, could that have anything to do with the kickback?
Go to the Huntsville Alabama Craigslist page and search "small engine parts Madison" and you'll get an idea of what they got in that auction. The parts you see are what is left after 2 years! You wouldn't believe what all you could buy around here 2 years ago! Those old B&S tanks, carbs, coils, recoil starters, all new, or at least never used, we're all $5 each. I've dropped a lot of money!
I warned you these engines can be problematic! Micah, the kickback on these engines is not a timing issue, his timing is probably correct, unless he has a coil mounted under the flywheel. These engines were designed to run rich, so they will need the loads, remember there is an auxiliary PTO, to slightly slow down the piston travel. I doubt you have ever worked on one of these engines. If you have a coil mounted under the flywheel, then you will need a Dial Indicator and follow the instructions on page 69 in this manual.
Micah, are you telling me you set the timing on your engine with a dial indicator?
Micah, are you telling me you set the timing on your engine with a dial indicator?
Does anyone have any suggestions on what I could attach or do to simulate a working load on this engine? Looking for something simple so I don't have to find something to mount the engine to and something to attach to it. I figure you pros must have a trick or two up your sleeve.