I read about your experience with some amusement. Why , because so far your tractor has not required an engine teardown. I reacted to the "big green" locally because I was put off by a kind of smug arrogance at the dealer. So I blew off part of my foot by buying a craftsman INTEK 24...the rest is history. I should have bought JD...but I have enjoyed the therapy of this forum.
Engine Teardown- ssssssssshhhhhhhhhh! Quiet, it may be listening, and like Hoyt Clagwell, needs no advice as it comes with experience problems of it's own.
This dealer here won't ever see me again, outside of getting filters for maintenance. Most of the machine has no warranty to begin with, and they will beat you up over the engine if anything valid does go wrong, and I am sure it will, I will be the guarantee of my warranty.
It is too cold out in the garage, or I would be writing more faults found but will have to wait for warmer weather.
I used to like Sears and K-mart till they swallowed each other up, although Craftsman was one brand I was considering. Maybe it is I instead who blew part of his foot off, maybe even the whole foot, half a leg,