john deere 345 problem

Been There

May 16, 2017
Re: john Deere 345 problem

Owner of a 1999 345 and if there has been any problems with a 345, I have Been There and live every minute of it with all their troubles each person has had with a John Deere 345.

I had a battery to be replaced in April this year. Bought a new one at Tractor Supply. It went south in 65 days of use. Got a new one and upon installing it. Here's what happen.

The tractor (345) would start without me on the seat, no pushing down on the brake pedal, nor any safety device that John Deere put into the schematics, the
tractor would start with me standing beside the dude and turning the key.

Like Ii mentioned here, I have been there with all the problems that a 345 will give out, and this one has been baffled.

Although, I'm not too worried, as I can get on the 345 and mow for hours without any problem it not running.