Here is question for you then. Have you had one to diesel that even the Stihl trained tech couldn't repair? And BTW the unit idles normally.
Here is another couple pieces of info. When running at excess full throttle, the tach shows no spark (ie show the unit is not running but it is) but at idle there is spark as there is normal tach readings.
Stihl HS56Z Hedger under warranty at the time which is why I took it to the dealer for repairs which couldn't find the problem. The tech didn't even know how to do a pressure/vac test.
Tiger for you the question is what would cause no spark at full throttle but yet the hedger is running away? I do know the answer to this and what the root cause was as I repaired the hedger myself.
And this one that I just repaired last week. Echo PAS-225 that would only run at 6000 rpms at full throttle. No problems with compression, spark, or fuel delivery, just would not accel to 7600-8700 rpms even with only the 375 head and no string. Now it is at 8600 with a 450 head and normal string length. BTW no spark arrester present.