I just don't agree with that statement though. The statement should read "the customer knows nothing" I have a business degree and know how to run a business. My concern is the neighbors see me cutting it and once they see it turn to Hell, it makes me look bad like I did this to the yard, you know.
It's my wife's sister and actually I charge half what I should. She really a pain in the butt. But if I drop her than she'll somehow start trouble with my wife. I don't like her as a person either but I do it for my wife
It's my wife's sister and actually I charge half what I should. She really a pain in the butt. But if I drop her than she'll somehow start trouble with my wife. I don't like her as a person either but I do it for my wife
Ok here it goes, I had a lady call me and ask me to drop my mower a few notches down. Well here's the thing her lawn looks amazing since I've been cutting it this year. Ive done my research and found that weeds don't like taller grass and etc. So I tried to explain all this to her and I couldn't get anywhere with her. I even told her that the grass would turn brown instead of the dark green like she has now. She then went on to demand that in order to run a business I need to always do exactly what the customer wants even if its not in the best interest for the lawn. I told her I didn't agree with this statement. What do you guys think of this situation and how would you handle this.
I agree with TwallMy dad was a butcher with his own shop for years and years. If you run a business, you give the customer what he/she wants, even if you know better. You're damned either way, so it's best to have the rep of doing what the customer tells you, than having the rep of doing whatever your know-it-all butt feels is right (which is the rep you'll get if you just say 'I know better', and do it your way).
Whether you like it or not, or agree with it or not, the customer is your boss. If you're going to be insubordinate, then go ahead and do it. But, you do not own the lawn. You are paid to care for the lawn the way your BOSS wants it cared for. If that isn't in your rulebook, then you might want to find a different job.
You said you pleaded your case with her, and it didn't make a dent. So, your boss has spoken. If you didn't want her as a boss, you shouldn't have agreed to do her lawn. This is a different case from the lady with the rotten sewer. You knew what you were in for, with her being in law and all, so what can anyone in this forum do to help you?
I'm sure you won't agree with those statements, either - but that's just my 2 cents. You are fighting city hall here, and LMF isn't going to make her any nicer, or give you a silver bullet to fix it. Sorry. :frown:
In this kind of situation, NOTHING you do will be right. I think you already know that. I suppose you're just venting.
You can not win either way.
The reason I have my JD 430 is I bought it years ago and did custom garden tilling with it.
I had this old woman call me and said she wanted her garden tilled,, I said it has been raining for the past 2 days it is too wet.
She replied I have all my seeds I want to make garden today.
I told her I would come over to her house and check it. When I turned over a shovel full it was just a big chuck of mud.
I explained to her that it would just till up into round mud balls and then dry hard as hell and her garden would be a mess.
NO she wanted it tilled the sun was shining and she was going to make garden.
I went home loaded the tractor and tiller took it to her place and tilled and it worked up into mud balls.
I made and extra pass on it but it didn't help much the hard balls just rolled through the tiller.
When I went to the house and told her I was done she came out and looked at it and said last year you did me a lot better job.
I said yes but last year you did not force me to mud it in.
She never called me again she told her neighbors that I ruined her garden.
My wife knows all about the settings and how to cut cause she reads all my lawn care books I have laying around the house. She knows how I feel about her sister but nothing is worth listening to her ungrateful sisters mouth if I chose to walk away. I treat every yard like its my own and do what's best for the lawns. This has paid off for me and my business. This is the reason I don't want to scalp it. Makes me look bad but this is what she wants