Is electric the way to go now?

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Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
Protocols for storing lithium batteries will become normal.

Green ideology will not drive this as much as simple capitalism. Build a better mouse trap.
build a more profitable mouse trap the convince the public they need to buy it would be closer to the truth
Remember capital has no conscious just a search for ever increasing profits .

As for Li protocols, how many people know that a Li-P battery can go critical at temperatures from as low as 50 C through to 85 C
And you can get to those temperatures on an ashphelt road and on a car dash sitting in the sun
As previously mentioned we have known the electron volt potential for all oxidation/reduction reactions for decades including Li .
A safe battery chemistry should be consistant & controlable
You can short out your car battery and all that will happen is the battery terminals will melt
Do the same to a Li battery and it will explode .
I am not against E- anything but Li power is the most pollution most dangerous battery you can make .
Funnly people think of the Pb batteries as being polluting and toxic but they are the only part on an automobile that can be recycled 100% and is profitable to recycle .
We have been making e-V powered by Pb batteries since WWII and they are used extensively indoors ( fork lifts & tow motors) plus in London & Amsterdam for inner city deliveries .
Every vehicle manufacturere has designed & built an E-V but they all abandoned the projects because there was no suitable battery technology to power them and there still isn't .
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Apr 11, 2018
how do you know this? here's your lithium battery production:
How i know this- it's just math. and the key phrase is "properly built" 200 lb of lithium can hold enough energy to move a lawn tractor around for a couple hours. And it can charge and discharge 4000 times.

Meanwhile, we as a people do not care who is exploited to make our stuff. People can feel bad about it, but except for the occasional hollywood scandal over brand name sweat shops, we just don't care. We don't even care about our own people dying in coal mines.

Capitalism is a more powerful force than compassion.
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Apr 11, 2018
build a more profitable mouse trap the convince the public they need to buy it would be closer to the truth
Remember capital has no conscious just a search for ever increasing profits .

I think we agree. i think an electric mower will be a better mousetrap for most people. You think the opposite. You might be right. The problem is, no one will take your side. All the manufacturers are shifting to electric. No one is standing in the road say "gas is better, we will keep building gas mowers"

And their decision is probably driven more by profit margin than green ideology. They are currently making the cheapest gas engines ever, there is no place left to trim cost and increase margin. But electric motors and circuit boards, and the absence of any clutches and gears will make these really cheap to build and they will get cheaper to build every year for at lease a decade. but the prices will only fall a little. This is a really good time to be Husqvarna.

And the features they can add, some you will really love; stop the blade if it hits something hard- so it doesn't keep trying to turn rocks into pebbles. Or the ability to turn the blade backwards slowly when you run into an extension cord.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
Actually that is a cobalt mine in the DRC and the Cobalt is used in the engines both in the specialty steels ( which can not be recycled because of the cobalt and he steels use have to be so pure that you can not return them to their own alloy melt ) and in the magnets
Now world Cobalt supplies were supposed to good till 2050 but that has been revised down to 2035 .
VW cancelled a complete range of cars because they could not get a guaranteed supply of Co for the predicted model life of the vehicle .
That particular pit is run by criminal / terrorist / religious fundamentialist ( pick one ) group .
There is also spiral stope mines there that collapse regularly plus Glencore has a big open cut pit that is about to be repowered by JCB hydrogen powered equipment because they can not stop the locals ( who are literally starving to death ) from stealing the diesel .

I won't go into detail here because that would be really getting way of topic but the DRC is a country cursed by rich natural resources that have been criminally exploited by Europeans.
You seem to be able to do some research and that includes assinations of leaders that other countries did not like .
Makes the UK involvement in India & China seem humane

In a previous life I was a foundry metallurgist .
I still subscribe to a lot of trade journals because I have an interest in minning , metallurgy & metals recycling so I don't need face book to tell me what is happening in the metals industry.
Most commercial Li deposits are from salt lake evaporation and there is talk of using the highly saline waste from desalination plants to produce Li as well because there is a lot in sea water but at uneconomic concentrations
And Cu deposits are becoming critical as well
They are about to start dredging nodules from the ocean floors inS E Asia which is estimated to have the potential of wiping out nearly all of the regions sea grass , thus fishing + a lot of coral reefs


Apr 11, 2018
show your work...
If i do will you reply to the data and not change the subject?

this is back of the napkin, i'm sure it's flawed but here goes:

120 lb of lifepo4 batteries is 400 amps at 12VDC, that's 4800 watts 750 watts per hp so we have about 6hp for one hour or 12 hp for 30 min. That's equivalent to about 20hp from a gas motor.

And the battery will go 4000 cycles according to the manufacturer and many many happy customers in the wind/solar/off grid community.


Active Member
May 31, 2018
I might be considered a tree hugger, yes, I like the shade lumber and firewood trees provide. I also drive an HD diesel. I have four leaf blowers three of which are electric. The 56 V ego backpack blower is my favorite. Not quite as much power as my gas, backpack blower but it’s much quieter doesn’t stink and is easy to start.
I also just acquired a Milwaukee 18 V lawnmower. It is excellent. I really like how I can store it vertically and don’t have to winterize it or add fuel stabilizer.


Forum Newbie
Jul 21, 2016
I've had several greenworks tools with (2) 2.0 amp hour batteries for over 5 yrs. now. Pole saw, blower and hedge trimmer. No problems at all. I'm quite suprised both batteries have lasted this long. Also all tools have given no problems. I'm a home owner with acreage that I maintain with no outside help. I also have 2 Stihl handheld gas blowers that I use also. When they won't start, I just grab the greenworks and continue work. Most of the time I don't want to stop work and get involved with troubleshooting, so that is my reason for wanting some battery operated tools. No concern about emissions, just saving time. Don't know how good the bigger machines like zero turns and the like would work, but as for the small stuff, I'm very impressed.


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2022
No, but you still have not answered the question?

Which part of this evolution is unconstitutional or not consistent with a free market?
I'll not bother to attempt to answer you. You just did what most liberal thinking individuals do. You tried to avoid the direct question posed to you that was in direct response to a question you, yourself, asked. Until you take the time to address my question, we are done. It's sad that people like you have to resort to goading another person into an argument that has NOTHING to do with my very first post where I asked a coupe of simple questions. You are out of line and I'd greatly appreciate if you refrained from making comments on my posts in the future.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2022
Can we try to keep this on topic?
Thank you. This thread of mine has gotten a LONG way off the intended track. All I wanted to know was if the majority of repair shops intend to learn to repair battery powered OPE and if so, where they were getting their training. Those two questions have been very well answered by several members and I appreciate those that took the time to answer my original questions. It seems apparent that the majority will NOT be doing any repairs other than maybe sharpening the blades. That tells me everything I need to know. I have made a decision to stay completely away from any and all all battery powered pieces of outdoor equipment. It's settled as far as I'm concerned. Period.
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