keep in mind that the transmission bears part of the stress, and it converts the energy lost to heat. The fans cool the transmissions. If less power is available, and larger tires are used, the transmission may spin slower causing the fans to deliver an inadequate amount of cooling. It is a stretch but it is a physical possibility. Also, there may be incline requirements when these mowers are made, meaning that they must maintain X RPM climbing Y grade. With a smaller engine it may take smaller tires to maintain that RPM. Think of trying to climb a hill in 4th gear in a VW bus. One has to drop down in the gears to not only have the power but RPM. If the engine turns too slow it loses its air cooling. Only in this case it is possibly both the engine and transmission that are effected if the RPMs fall too low for the amount of heat being generated. It may require putting the larger tires on, measuring things then making a decision if the engine and transmission RPM are adequate at the grades where the machine will be used. However if both the small deck mower and the large deck mower use the same engine then there would be no problem.