Where would you purchase a replacement cord? .
......riveted no problem! just drill the rivets out and re rivet with Pop rivet gun ????It used to be fairly simple but the manufacturers have gotten to the point they want to sell you bigger pieces for more money. If it's riveted on, you have to buy the whole assembly, if not it can be rewound with another cord. When you get another cord, try to get something with a bit of poly in it as it will last a bit longer.
Yep great minds working alike Vervepipes !I've never had to remove rivets either, I just grab the remainder of the cord with thin needle nose pliers and cut it as short as possible, then grab onto the knot and pull what's left out that way. To get a new corn in there I normally cut the new cord on an angle and lightly burn the end with a lighter so it doesn't fray as you try to feed it through the hole.
Where would you purchase a replacement cord? I think I should probably replace mine when we try to restring it. I have looked at a few places but they do not carry them.
I wish they still made the old pulls that you wrapped a pull rope around each time...