I went ahead and bought a WORLDLAWN DIAMONDBACK 52 INCH ZERO TURN.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2016
  • / I went ahead and bought a WORLDLAWN DIAMONDBACK 52 INCH ZERO TURN.
Cheap is cheap. You get what you pay for.
That may be true, but why does everyone who asks for help get a lecture if they don't know what info to give, or make some other mistake? Trust me, I've seen some of the idiots who have been annoying, but the OP on this thread doesn't deserve the lecture. Save the meanness for those who earn it like that Tandolfi guy last week.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
  • / I went ahead and bought a WORLDLAWN DIAMONDBACK 52 INCH ZERO TURN.
There is a fine line between being lectured and being informed and this will vary from one person to another
I for one have tried to be informative & not judgemental
he first time I saw one I thought it looked really good , just the same as Navynancy did
Then I got underneath and saw the rest of the mower .
After that it was one nightmare after another to the point that I sent the blades to consummer affairs to try & get them banned
BEcause I am just a nobody they took no notice so I sent the next one to the School of Mechanical engineering to get more weight behind the warning.
I think every one has been civil to date
IT is a personal decision weather anything is good value, after all idiots pay $ 100+ for a pair of running shoes while knowing that the sports shoe company pay $ 5 a pair for them from China and they think if they get them for $ 99 they got a bargan
My hope is Navy Nancy is new well aware of the short comings of this mower so treats it accordingly.
There is nothing so badly made that yo can not get a good service life from it provided you are aware of the short comings and monitor regularly for failures so they can be picked up early before they become a catastrophic failure & potential injury
Hopefully others will read this post and also be aware .
The capitalist demand economy is based on the premise that the consumer is "informed" so they can make an informed decision as the where they spend their money .
It is not my or any one else's job to tell anyone where they have to spend their hard earned , it is their decision & theirs alone .
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Active Member
May 31, 2018
  • / I went ahead and bought a WORLDLAWN DIAMONDBACK 52 INCH ZERO TURN.
I dont consider $4250 cheap...LOL....most money Ive ever spent on a riding mower.
I agree. I suggest not hosing off the mower as a cleaning technique. Water getting in the poorly sealed bearings destroys them pretty quickly. I learned about this on my Kubota ZT. Bought it used for $2,500 with 40 hrs on it 5 yrs ago. Hasn’t been trouble free but parts are available and so fix everything myself. Being a common brand parts like wheel bearings are available in updgades stainless steel with a better seal than the OE ones.

Hope your mower works out for you.


Aug 20, 2019
  • / I went ahead and bought a WORLDLAWN DIAMONDBACK 52 INCH ZERO TURN.
I certainly appreciate everyones help and theres really only 1 thing thats been said in this thread that I disagree with...the blanket statement of " you get what you pay for" . I feel it is a innacurate statement because I have bought high dollar name brand items that underperformed...... and I have bought low priced " no name" items that performed above expectations and gave longterm performance . As far as the price of this lawnworld being considered " cheap" , im not sure thats a accurate claim. Its certainly higher priced than most of the zero turns at the big box stores. If the kawasaki engine and the 2 hydro gear pumps hold up, I should be able to deal with any issues with the deck/ pulleys , especially since I own a welder/ plasma cutter and im not afraid to use it.

I do want to specifcy that this thread is in no way meant to try and convince others to buy the mower I purchased. When I was searching on this forum for info about this specific mower, I noticed there was not much info on it, as far as people who owned them. I elected to be the guinea pig and give honest info for this brand of mower. I already expected I would get a few " bashers" telling me it was a cheap mower....and from a standpoint of the quality of the components, that may turn out ot be true { I wont know until the mower gets much more hours of use} but from the standpoint of what this mower cost new - $5900- I dont view it as a cheaply priced mower , nor do I view my cost of it $4250 being cheap either. With it only having about 15 hrs of use and only being 10 months old , I thought it was worth the risk to purchase it because I was getting a new mower at a $1700 discounted price.


Aug 20, 2019
  • / I went ahead and bought a WORLDLAWN DIAMONDBACK 52 INCH ZERO TURN.
I agree. I suggest not hosing off the mower as a cleaning technique. Water getting in the poorly sealed bearings destroys them pretty quickly. I learned about this on my Kubota ZT. Bought it used for $2,500 with 40 hrs on it 5 yrs ago. Hasn’t been trouble free but parts are available and so fix everything myself. Being a common brand parts like wheel bearings are available in updgades stainless steel with a better seal than the OE ones.

Hope your mower works out for you.
Funny story...yesterday my neighbor was mowing his yard with his $6000 kubota zero turn and his deck belt broke. He came over to my house and asked me if he could finish his 2 acre yard with my mower and of course I said , yes.

I never use a hose on my mower....I always blow it off with a blower. He hosed the whole lawnmower down after he used it and brought it back over to me. I told him that if he ever has to use my mower again, to never hose it off with water.

I never even liked the push mowers that have the hose attachment to connect ahose to wash the underside of the decks.


Active Member
May 31, 2018
  • / I went ahead and bought a WORLDLAWN DIAMONDBACK 52 INCH ZERO TURN.
Funny story...yesterday my neighbor was mowing his yard with his $6000 kubota zero turn and his deck belt broke. He came over to my house and asked me if he could finish his 2 acre yard with my mower and of course I said , yes.

I never use a hose on my mower....I always blow it off with a blower. He hosed the whole lawnmower down after he used it and brought it back over to me. I told him that if he ever has to use my mower again, to never hose it off with water.

I never even liked the push mowers that have the hose attachment to connect ahose to wash the underside of the decks.
Depending on the model Kubota, they had a recall on the belt tensioner. Mine ate a belt so that’s how I learned about the fix.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2016
  • / I went ahead and bought a WORLDLAWN DIAMONDBACK 52 INCH ZERO TURN.
I'm not trying to be a jerk, but when 3 or 4 people give someone crap, it begins to seem like a lecture. It seems to happen to quite a few newbies. I'm not pointing at anyone in particular, just don't add another long post putting them down because they bought something you may not approve of.

I post on many different boards, and this kind of thing turns it into an echo chamber. Now I think the regulars here are very good mechanics and people. But if someone annoys you with their lack of knowledge, ignore the thread. I want to see this site continue...


Forum Newbie
Apr 16, 2023
  • / I went ahead and bought a WORLDLAWN DIAMONDBACK 52 INCH ZERO TURN.
Any opinions on the 20-50 w kawasaki oil that has the zinc additive ? Is it worth the extra money to use it for every oil change or only use it for initial break in period, or dont use it at all ?
It's recommended for all oil changes. If you look around there are other oils containing zinc that are designed for use in motorcycles which should work as good as the Kawasaki branded oil so long as they have similar zinc content. Depending on how much dust you kick up you might consider getting a Donaldson style 2 stage air filter, there's a number of places on the internet where you can get one. These are typically found on the commercial Kawasaki twins and can be easily adapted to work on residential mowers. They provide a significant improvement in air filtration and due to the size they aren't restrictive to the point that you'd need to re-tune the engine. I put one on my Big Box store Cub Cadet XT1 50 which has a 23 HP Kawasaki FR691 because of all the dust that gets kicked up here in Oklahoma. It's about 4 years old now with no issues mowing an acre about every 4-7 days with normal maintenance. Pulled and checked spindles recently, still plenty of grease in the sealed bearings, no zerks. The spindles are MTD with chinesium bearings. Will replace them with Timkens if they ever go bad.


Forum Newbie
Apr 16, 2023
  • / I went ahead and bought a WORLDLAWN DIAMONDBACK 52 INCH ZERO TURN.
Can anyone identify what these 2 pieces are and where they go ? I found them laying on the top of my worldlawn mower deck. They are about 1.5 inchs in length and 1 of them is threaded ...it looks as though the 2 pieces would bolt together { 1 bolt on each end } around something.
Looks like the clamp collar for the brake from 48-52-60-DIAMONDBACK-PARTS-MANUAL-REV-DATE-201909.pdf page 29, item number 25. You can search and download the file.


Aug 20, 2019
  • / I went ahead and bought a WORLDLAWN DIAMONDBACK 52 INCH ZERO TURN.
Looks like the clamp collar for the brake from 48-52-60-DIAMONDBACK-PARTS-MANUAL-REV-DATE-201909.pdf page 29, item number 25. You can search and download the file.
Ty...I put it back on the horizontal parking brake bar. I actually did not see why it was even needed to be there in the 1st place.

The mower cuts so fast, that I wont be able to put alot of hours on it just mowing my 2-3 acres of land over the next 2-3 months. It only has about 15 hours on it now. If anything substantial were to break on it within the next 100 hours or so of use { probably next 2-3 years of use } I will be a bit surprised, but I will post about it on this thread .