Thanks Carscw. I'll do that. Actually, it seems to me that I could remove the fill plug and get more liquid out because of the hose going deeper into the tranny after its warmed up and I shut it off. The oil should be good and warm about this time. I was just thinking also of mowing with it till it started getting weak; then bring it in the shop and jack it up and do what you suggested to do. It certainly won't hurt anything, and will get more grass cut.
I did not jump in because Carscw was responding & I am not familiar with this particular machine.
The first thing that concerns me if I have read it right you got charged for work that was not done and parts that were not fitted.
If that be the case it is fraud and needs to be redressed we can do without shops like this. It makes things bad for honest shops who do good work.
At the very least, name and shame the shop.
Next most of the tranny companies have on line manuals and all hydro boxes are basically the same.
Some times I have needed to bleed the "bleedin" box a dozen time till it all the air is purged properly.
Finally, the one thing that varies in boxes is the oil they are designed to run and they can be very sensative to both the oil and the filters used.
When I did the first box it called for Mobil 5W=50 fully synthetic. I used a different brand of 5W-50 fully synthetic and the box never ran properly till at a latter service I drained the box, flushed it with the Mobil , refilled with the Mobil ( at my own cost ) and now it is working perfectly.
I noticed you have put some sort of a blend in and that might not work properly.
The pistons on the pump & motor have no seals and rely on the close fit to pump more than bleeds down the sides and this ( amazing when you think about it ) is tailored to the viscosity of the recommended fluid