Hustler idler pulley .bearing replacement


Lawn Royalty
Top Poster Of Month
Feb 19, 2020
Even at one in a hundred I am in good company. It called being honest. I also believe a man's word should be his bond. Break it with me and you are no longer a honorable person and to be avoided.

I have former customers that still try to get in on my good side but I tell no when it comes to repairs. I figure if they stab me in the back once they do it again if given the chance.


Lawn Addict
Jan 10, 2020
It comes down to "management professionals"
If you do an MBA you get taught
1) Non managerial staff are nothing more than a production variable cost which has to be minimised in order to maximumize profits .
2) all profits originate in the board room .
3) every sales oppertunity must be optimized .

And this of course filters down right through the entire economy

So you employ the cheapest staff you can find and find ways to pay them less
Because you are the reason for all profits you are entitled to all of it for yourself
Every time some one comes trough the door you take them for every cent you possible can regardless weather it was wanted or not , "you want fries with that order "

It is a sickness that perverts the entire community
So now a good deal is one where you have totally screwed the other side .
The mutually beneficial deals are to be avoided at all costs .

I blew one of my suppliers away when I returned goods I had not been invoiced for.
Apparently none of their customers had ever notified them when there had been a mistake in favour of the customer.

And if you want to feel depressed ask some friends what they would do if a cashier gave them too much change or the one I like is gave you your change then handed back the note you gave them.
You would be lucky if 1 in 100 said they would return the excess money regardless of weather they knew the cashier would have to make up the short fall in their till drawer.

I guess i am 1 in 100.


Lawn Royalty
Top Poster Of Month
Feb 19, 2020
I got my personal opinion of several local shop owners as I would not even trust my pet rock with them.

But there is still a few of shop owners that are still honest.


Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2020
The riveted versions were never meant to be repaired. And Hustler does have a better pulley to replace these which is a commercial grade one piece pulley. It is only about $3 more.
View attachment 59159

As for tightwad comment it was meant to put things in prospective as when you charge $80 per for labor you can't charge the customer for 2-3 hrs work and reinstalled an used pulley. All that time would have to be written off costing the shop a profit and the possibility of still having to install a new pulley and belt. For a DIYer it is fine to waste time that otherwise could be used for more profitable endeavors.
That is a nice looking pulley! When one of my idler pulleys locked up,while waiting to receive the replacement,I toyed around with the failed one for just a very few minutes,dulling one drill bit on it. While I most likely had the tools to get it apart,I quickly saw that this was a fools errand and tossed it in the trash. A for-profit shop must make a profit to be there tomorrow. A wasted hour of labor is a double loss,lost money on this job and lost money on the job you should have been doing with that wasted time. I'm retired and have time to spare for repairs,but taking forever to get a $25 pulley apart to put $35 worth of bearings and bolts and nuts to get it back in service? Nope.
This pic is what I used to have to repair back to as close to new as possible,before I retired. Try to imagine,if you will, the sheer number of parts needed to get this Freightliner back on the road. One mistake or one untorqued bolt could result in disaster. Not many of the younger workers have the dedication to pay that much attention to detail. (edit) Speaking of paying attention to detail-just a few moments of not paying attention resulted in this driver rear-ending the truck he was following,resulting in quite the wreck.

Freightliner SIBW.jpg
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Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
The local vet retired
She was a dedicated animal lover who ran a single vet practice with 2 part time nurses & a weekend receptionist
My customers all complain that they miss her a lot
A corperate vet "hospital " is not too far away but they have all said their vet bills have gone up nearly 10 times as being part of a business that is all about maxing out the profits. everything costs more & perscriptions are never provided with a repeat so for some animals that means a monthly visit for a $ 100 consultation.
This is what they teach MBA's to do
Squeeze every last cent out of the customer .


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2015
Great find on the upgraded pulley!!
If I ever need one I will look around. It's a shame Hustler does not list both pullies in the manuals as the biggest question is which pulley replaces the old cheap sheet metal versions.