If there is a screen and its unlocked open it and close it on the flyer. If its locked roll the flyer and stick it somewhere on the screen. If there is no screen fold the flyer in half take a corner wedge it in between the door and frame scooting it down. If none of the above works that's when I knock on the door.
Technically it is illigal to tape, wedge, or put the flyer anywhere on the mailbox but most don't care as long as you don't open the mailbox
Nothing technical about it, it is illegal, and fines can be hefty if they want to be nasty.
I'm glad to be in Canada for that. I dont see the danger in this practice.
I understand what you are saying and as for myself it doesn't bother me. Here in the US the mail is federal government and some people can be very nasty just to be that way. I have two words I call these people one starts with a A and the other starts with a H if you know that I mean. You have the same type of people in Canada I am sure.
I'm glad to be in Canada for that. I dont see the danger in this practice.
Here is a 16 year old person wanting to work hard to make some money. I see a outstanding person that will get somewhere in life and I sure hope him the best of luck with finding customers :thumbsup: His parents should be proud and if it was my child I would be helping him.
There's nothing wrong with a 16 yr old kid trying to make some money but breaking the law to do it isn't the right way to do it. His parents should be teaching him the right way to do it not teaching him to break the law. If he wants to use the mail boxes to distribute his flyers let him buy stamps and get them delivered like everyone else.