Here is a couple ways and links as below. Do this at your own risk as there is a safety reason for the switch and take into account who else may use the mower.
Seat Safety Switch Modification
bypass a seat switch
What happens when you want to sell or trade in this unit? I know how to disable all the switches but you'll never see me post them. Disclaimers don't mean anything. Disabling safety devices just is not worth it, no matter what the reason behind it.
What does that mean . It means if I see a safety switch cut off, I must replace the safety switch or switches and test that each and every one is working and repair the entire circuit. This is all at the cost to the customer, there is no waiver that you can sign. The only thing we can do is tell you to take it somewhere else, because we are not only liable if something should happen, but can also receive a state and federal fine.
I can't speak for the manufactures, I just know the rules that the government has imposed on the dealers to protect the customers. We don't like them either, but must protect ourselves and our families by following them. Don't think many people even know why blade brakes and safety switches came about. The blade break bail started it all because two individuals wanted a faster way to trim the hedge between their properties. They started up their mower and raised it up and started trimming. As you can guess, something went wrong, both lost fingers, sued the mower manufacturer and won. The rest of the story is that the government is only Trying to help you by listing requirements and everyone else must CYA. If people don't want me to tell you that something your doing can get you in trouble, don't tell me your doing it. I'm not from the government, but this forum is for help and customer service, even if you don't like the answer.
I would suspect that the average user of a commercial unit is a bit smarter the the average homer owner. Look at the cost of the unit. Would many home owners pay that price? Remember, "I'm from the government and I'm here to help you". In today's law suit happy society, I'm surprised that there aren't more rules. All you have to do is read some of the posts on this forum and you will see individuals who are trying to do repairs, who should be allowed to own a screwdriver, as well as those who offer advice, because they slepted at a "Holiday Inn" last night.
Because they are all losers. Can't show up to work on time, does drugs on the job...the only people that apply for this type of job) .
I know your not from the government and I know what your doing, saying and why. Thing that I don't understand and never have is and it seems there is a different set of rules for the homeowner vs the Commercial operator. The thing is that I'm fixing on going out the door in a few minutes work on a mower which I do six days a week and to my way of thinking the rules would need to be applied to to someone like me who uses equipment everyday and mows lawn for living more so than someone or a homeowner that maybe uses there mower once a week on there own property, but I guess maybe the greatest number of accidents occur to the homeowner than the Commercial operators. Would that be right.
Being new here this sure ain't a good way to make friends and receive help with your questions.
Ive cut grass for 16 years for one employer.
I took your remarks very offensive.
So go pound sand mr knowitall.
New toro timecutter 16-44 zero turn owner. Anyone familiar with how to disconnect safety seat shutoff switch?
I thank you for the tip, I did it a little differently, I cut two pieces of paint stirrer sticks the sized to fit the inside of the switch no glue just set them in there and put the switch back to gather and worked great !!Thank you.
Jumping the wires didn't seem to help. I have know idea why :confused3: I'd figure that all it needed was to complete the circuit.
Anyway.... This is how I fixed it for 10 cents or less.
***Disclaimer DO THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK*****
I did this because I am the only person that uses the tractor and I ALWAYS shut off the blades before I get off or pick anything up in the yard!!! My yard is also flat so I don't have to worry about the tractor rolling.
1. Remove the seat
2. Remove (Twist) the seat shut-off assembly
3. Seperate the shut-off switch (grey) and the outer housing (black).
4. Super glue 2 nickels (or washers to the same thickness) to the inside of the outer housing. ***This is used to depress the shut off button when assembled***
5. Put everything back together
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I dont know we have had a few commercial operators here roll over trying to mow steep inclines on ztrs, and get killed. Slopes, and ztr mowers dont go good together but there have been a few incidents here with kids that are to young to mow their own lawn get hurt. Homeowner, or commercial operator just depends on how safe you try to operate I would think?
Or....... the owner that put the washers/nickels on there could simply spend 3 min to take off the seat and remove them before taking it to be serviced. It is not a huge deal!!! Geez people.... I asked a question to help a 37 year old enjoy cutting his lawn. I don't need a lecture on things. I'm fully aware that I shouldn't stick my finger/hand/foot/tongue in the blades as it will cut them off.