How to annoy people and drive them away


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
Thanks for the help guys, this topic is pretty much concluded except for one question: Why the heck is this site running some kind of script that prevents me from even typing at my normal, fast speed without the post reply window lagging behind? It doesn't happen on any other sites. lol, i got that entire sentence typed before even the first word of it showed up on-screen. I'm not that fast of a typer. Hmm.

I know he site need money but as the above quote from a recient thread makes it clear the stuff being foistered on us is really annoying people to the point that it makes it very difficult for them to use the forum .
Keep this sort of trash being forced on us and there will be no one here so you won't need the money .


Lawn Addict
Aug 25, 2015
I can't do anything about the above complaint but I can tell you that I'm running Windows 10 with AdBlocker Plus installed and I have had no such problem. FWIW, my ISP is a very slow connection, too, (2M up and 1M down) and it accepts type faster than I can type it.


Staff member
Sep 24, 2017
I'm on windows 10, Firefox browser, with adblocker ultimate (15 blocked) and privacy badger. (3 trackers blocked), working great.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
Well obviously Dave_C was having a problem with these obnoxious , intrusive adds to the point it was making it difficult for him to use the site.

SO will he come back or go some where else next time ?
Will he promote the site or tell his friends that this forum is a PIA to use and go some where else for help ?

Remember people come here who are not computer geeks or mower techs and if the site is giving them grief they will go some where else >
then there are he people who are suspicious that every where they go on the web, some one is trying to infect their computer or steal their data .
So they come here and suddenly they have no control over their computer.
The words they are typing do not appear on the screen
They can not close the window nor do any thing else because it seems like their keyboard & mouse are no longer connected .
So it is pull the power cord to escape from this dangerous site and never ever come back plus warn off all their friends that this is a criminal site .


Lawn Royalty
Feb 19, 2020
What users got to remember it is not always the site's problem. I had several sites lately to be very slow loading and one of them is the one I am an administrator for. Problems and networks overloads do pop up time to time. Now there are problem sites and I do avoid them but FF the way I have it setup usually stops and warns me of the danger.

I do admit having 7 to 8 scripts that have to be blocked and 21 ads currently being blocked is a little much but there is a lot more ads if I turn No Script off for this site. I have seen as many as 200+ ads being blocked. Even with all the scripts blocked I still get one blocked ad noted. Normally I don't even allow Java scripts to run on my system except fully trusted websites. Plus I don't even allow "" script to run my system.

But some are so heavy multiple scripts it isn't funny like some news sites. One I just check one and it has over 30 scripts that are being blocked.
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