Hibernation is about over.


Lawn Royalty
Top Poster Of Month
Feb 19, 2020
Water intake daily recommendation for a man is like 96 oz. That's what my DR said is best.
That is heck of a lot water as that is 1-1/2 gallons. Besides my current doctor don't give a hoot about my health since I don't have insurance that he can charge an arm and leg to. And many doctor likes to experiment on us as my doctor have been doing on me. I had find a working way to get my BP under control with the previous med then the jacka change the med and refuses to put me back on the med that was working fine. What I tried to get through to him is that I need a time release med. The BP was shooting way high over night if I take it as prescribe but if I cut the pills in half so I can take twice daily it works out. I even doing the same with the current med.

This morning's BP was 156/95 which still high but better than 225/115. The previous meds had it around 130/90. At least I not hearing the blood rushing through the blood vessels in my ears as it did when was having BP induced strokes.

I done drop nearly 15 lbs in the last two weeks. But those table legs are looking very good lately to eat.:LOL: I actually only consuming around 500 calories a day now so that might explain the weight lost along the low water consumption.


Lawn Royalty
May 6, 2010
That is heck of a lot water as that is 1-1/2 gallons. Besides my current doctor don't give a hoot about my health since I don't have insurance that he can charge an arm and leg to. And many doctor likes to experiment on us as my doctor have been doing on me. I had find a working way to get my BP under control with the previous med then the jacka change the med and refuses to put me back on the med that was working fine. What I tried to get through to him is that I need a time release med. The BP was shooting way high over night if I take it as prescribe but if I cut the pills in half so I can take twice daily it works out. I even doing the same with the current med.

This morning's BP was 156/95 which still high but better than 225/115. The previous meds had it around 130/90. At least I not hearing the blood rushing through the blood vessels in my ears as it did when was having BP induced strokes.

I done drop nearly 15 lbs in the last two weeks. But those table legs are looking very good lately to eat.:LOL: I actually only consuming around 500 calories a day now so that might explain the weight lost along the low water consumption.
96 oz is three quarters not a 1-1/2 gallon. 128 oz to a gallon.


Lawn Royalty
Top Poster Of Month
Feb 19, 2020
96 oz is three quarters not a 1-1/2 gallon. 128 oz to a gallon.
Oppps I was half asleep when I posted that. I probably used half gallon figures.

Tnx for the correction. I reckon that just proves I am just human.

Oh well going out in the ice cold rain to the shop.


Staff member
Sep 24, 2017
I can guarantee one thing, drinking that much water, i wouldn't get any sleep at night...:LOL: up and down, up and down,


Lawn Addict
Jan 10, 2020
I guess most of us old guys a fighting the BP battle. I am still fighting the COVID 19. Not the virus but the 19 pounds gained over the last couple years. Luckily i am staying caught up on equipment. Stens is back to 2 day delivery and not had too many backorders. Got a car hauler trailer coming in next week and going to do a complete LED light upgrade and replace all wiring and service wheel bearings and brakes and some welding. Should make some good money on that one. Bad thing is i have to put off customers of my other business to get mowers done. Plus starting a kitchen remodel at my sons house. Building new cabinets for it now. Looks like electeical and plumbing gonna be a pain. Have any of you guys raised your shop rate this year? With the price of gas and everything else going up i am considering it.


Lawn Royalty
Top Poster Of Month
Feb 19, 2020
Hammer I figured it was good to go on diet but all I manage to do was to hold my own until just lately.

Probably going not to raise my labor rates this year except the welding rate as I did that last year but will charging for the fuel used. Part prices are going up enough as it is to hurt things. My welding rate includes electricity and supplies and they are going up.

Depending on where you are electrical and plumbing can't be done by the home owner. One city in Alabama even had bill board warning owners that couldn't change out a water faucet; unless, it was done by a licensed plumber. What a crock.


Jun 9, 2019
When winter came this year, I turn into a lazy bum. I crawled out of my cave today with a list of things I was going to get done this week. Opened the door and the cold wind blew me right back into my lazy chair. LOL. Taking a glance at the weather, looks like the temps are going to be in the 30's later this week. So there's another week to get ready to come out of hibernation.

Honestly, I've been taking it easy, doing back exercises, and I think it's a lot better. I've been rolling by spine on a basketball a few times a day. So far so good.

BTW, I got a new desktop and can't remember my password. I finally dug the laptop out that has my passwords stored.

How every doing? Are you ready for spring?
I live in Florida, we have to get everything done before the summer heat hits. Looks like winter is going out like a lion, they are predicting 28 degrees Sunday morning. I might have jumped the gun with my spring planting, I will have to see what is up Saturday. After that I will spend the hot months inside and only emerge from my AC to mow and pick a few things fro my garden.


Lawn Addict
Apr 16, 2018
It been in the 80's here along the AL/TN line. This morning it is in the 40's but that is a cold came through yesterday after the rain. Customers are coming out of the wood works here. I am already running about a week and half behind due mainly to part deliveries. Some projects are actually several weeks in the making due to back ordered parts, others I have the parts on hand. Apparently some of the OEMs didn't even restock over break period. Briggs is still dragging their feet and now Kawasaki is running about two-four weeks behind when my distributor has to order the parts from them. At Stihl is back up to par on orders except those cancelled maintenance kits that are affected by the Ukraine mess.

At least it should dry enough to do some outdoor welding today. I got a deck that some repair welding along beefing part of it that keeps getting damaged by tree roots. A couple new spindles due to owner putting blades on wrong destroying the stars and one has a broken housing.

Now I am blood pressure problems introduced by the doctor changing my meds and refusing to return me to the ones that were working. I am currently on a self imposed crash diet where I eating one very small meal once a day and two coffee cups of liquid. I got BP back down to where it is in the 130-140/80-90 range; unlike the 200/110 range the doctor had gotten me up to with a week after changing my meds. Sometimes I think I can do better than him at keeping my BP under control.

When he changed my meds my weight also shot up from 245 to 258 within a week after starting on the new pills. I now got it back down to back to 245.8 this morning.

With this not wanting to correct his mistake I will need to find a new doctor that will do his job.

This Arkansas weather is about like north central Texas. Winter til about 10am. Spring til 1pm. Summer, then fall.


Lawn Addict
Apr 16, 2018
Water intake daily recommendation for a man is like 96 oz. That's what my DR said is best.

Funny, it's easy to down 8 beers when I'm out dancing (when I used to go dancing). But trying to get two glass of water down... That was tough.