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I have WAT I think to be a 1985 champion longlife 10/36. Can anyone tell me anything about these mowers it was my grandpas and I have no clue WAT happened to the owners manual . :anyone:




I have WAT I think to be a 1985 champion longlife 10/36. Can anyone tell me anything about these mowers it was my grandpas and I have no clue WAT happened to the owners manual . :anyone:

Picture might help !

Can you find any Model or Serial numbers anywhere ?




Sorry the only net access I have is my cell phone and I don't know how to upload pictures to this site yet , but the model number is 3610-0500, and the serial num is 476785, and it has a code of 6044 if that helps with anything , I can't find this mower at all on Google




Sorry the only net access I have is my cell phone and I don't know how to upload pictures to this site yet , but the model number is 3610-0500, and the serial num is 476785, and it has a code of 6044 if that helps with anything , I can't find this mower at all on Google

OK - is this a push mower - Tractor - Zero Turn -- ???




Riding mower but its tiny




Riding mower but its tiny

OK -- I'm guessing it is 10 HP 36" cut from the 10/36

Got me curious -- I'll try more later -- I use Dogpile not Google for a search engine - found one on an auction site, but the auction is closed and couldn't get a picture.




Yep its a 10 horse briggs , and 36 inch deck I plan on using it as a tractor for my lawn cart and to ride my son around the yard once I get it taken apart and cleaned up then put back together




It seems I have seen that name... But for some reason I connect it with Allis-Chalmers?
They made a line of lawn mowers that looked more like a JD rider rather than a lawn tractor...? :smile:KennyV




It is a green mower more of a kawasaki green than a jd green with round head lights . In my atempt to learn more about it I read somewhere that champion was bought out by international harvester but I could have miss read it .




I have WAT I think to be a 1985 champion longlife 10/36. Can anyone tell me anything about these mowers it was my grandpas and I have no clue WAT happened to the owners manual . :anyone:

Just exactly what are trying to find out? The owners manual is not going to be all that informative.
Does it run?




No the carb needs to be rebuilt and I need a muffler , and battery , but I plan on tearing it down and sandblasting it clean and repainting the whole thing . I can take it to a bodyshop and get the paint digitaly matched , but I need part numbers and such .




I really would like to put a larger engine under the hood but I think ill wait for the current 10 hp briggs to give out to do all that . I also have a late 80's craftsman that I was planing on building a racing mower out of, but I am more excited about my grandpas champion .




Engine and engine related parts will be easy, B&S parts are not hard to track down... Body parts and like that you will most likely have to fabricate... :smile:KennyV
