Yes, that crossed my mind this morning.Then if the nut is either a 1/2 or 9/16 you are probably looking for a distributor wrench. Advance Auto Parts has one for $10. And can be taken apart and a 3/8 extension added is you need more height.
View attachment 66481
I even have one around here someplace that I've had since the 1970's, but can't find it.
I called my Grasshopper dealer and asked his mechanic what he uses to reach the top of the bolts.
He said he uses a 9/16" offset wrench, and puts a piece of paper over the bolt head before he puts the wrench on it to help hold it in place better.
Here's the picture he sent me of it.
I'll see if this works, and if not, resume my search for my distributor wrench.
UPDATE: I used this offset wrench, and it worked well enough to get the bolts tightened, but it was really "iffy" and difficult to use.
I still think the best solution is an "L" shaped setup of some kind with the horizontal portion being a 4-6 inch long piece with a 9/16' box end on one end, and a 3/8 socket extension connector at the other end.

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