The other things that can go klunk are the PTO pulley and the flywheel.
The flywheel being loose usually causes erratic running so that leaves you with the pulley.
Take the belts off and then see if the pulley has any slack in it.
Start & stop the engine with no belts on it to eliminate everything else.
If it still goes klunk the time to pull the engine .
Take the flywheel off first, mush easier to do with engine bolted in place
Then clean the PTO shaft bright & shiny and pull the sump off before what was going klunk goes bang.
Goe to the B & S web page & download the IPL for you engine.
All the bits are shown & named.
When you get it apart, if what you are looking at makes no sense to you, take some photos and post them.
Plenty of people ere more than happy to explain what everything is , what it does & how to check it.