If you are running Micro sloth, download the pictures to your computer then email them to yourself.
Usually MicroSloth automatically resizes emailed images.
People forget that there is a finite limit to the size of an image that individual machines can handle.
Professional photographers are the worst.
They used to send images to the trade houses in RAW format 64 bit files that were anything up to 5Gb per image in order to "keep the depth resolution & colour".
The trade houses all work in 8 bit colour so they downgrade the image do whatever processing was required then interpolate the tiny file back into a gargantuan 64 bit file ,convet it back into RAW format then send it back to the photographers who never ever noticed the quality difference.
It might make one feel great to think you have an image with 2,000,000 shades of grey in it, but the newspapers can only print 8 of them and a glossy magazine 32 and a fine art print 64.
Most men can see about 24 of them and women around 200.