Happy New years everyone.


Lawn Addict
Sep 5, 2014
Yea, inquiring minds are curious & hoping for the best (of course) for you.


Lawn Royalty
Feb 19, 2020
According to my BP monitor I doing a lot better now. I was at 126/76 with a pulse of 60 this morning at 8am. No more irregular heart indications. Things appeared to have been cause by switching back to Lorastan / HCTZ from plain Lorastan. It appears to have been a severe drug interaction. I back to taking my normal strength of meds. I was still having a lot chest tightness for most of last week. Before the change over I was seeing BPs in the range of 180/120 with pulse rate around 60 for the last year. That was after I had lost 20+ lbs trying to get pressure back down from 230/120 that went to when he changed the meds. I couldn't get it thru the doctor's head that the plain Lorastan wasn't working for me and I needed back on the Lorastan / HCTZ. During the time of the change over I was getting from lows of 80/40 to 220/125 BP readings and heart rates from 60 to 180+.

I still trying to get a hold of the doctor my current doctor referred me to. All I getting is an answering machine. Meanwhile my current dictator (doctor) is rationing my BP meds to one month prescriptions. I wonder what he is accusing me of...I know they are not narcotics. I can get a 90 supply for a third of the price for 3 individual prescripts. The drugstore still tried to force me Sunday to take the $535 bottle of pills the ER prescribed.

Boy doctors don't like patients that are better informed than most. Like me that keeps a daily record of BP numbers along other health notes.

This time I could have had either a stroke or died because of the doctor refusal to listen to the patient because blood clots.
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