Depends on what T&C you're referring to.
Spectrum just wanted me to upgrade my 10 yr old modem but the terms including a must agree to binding arbitration clause just to increase my internet speeds. Well I fine with the current level since I am limited to 100 mbps so going to 400 mbps isn't going to do a thing for me. And of course they sent out a lousy modem with the PUMA chipset. I just simply return the box without even opening it up as the terms said if I open the box that I agreed to the terms. Well I not signing away my legal rights that easily.
I probably just buy a new modem and drop their phone service as they got the voice modems restricted to themselves only. Consumer Cellar is just as cheap anyways except I would need a second line. But I just didn't want a cell phone as service here is lousy.
But if are referring the other major T&C that the voters signed us up for, you are like the rest of us royally screwed. It is one of the reasons I am reducing my business activities. It looking like "Liar, Liar Pants on Fire" as they seems to be talking out of both sides of their mouths at the same time. Telling the voters what they wanted to hear just to get the votes and doing the opposite or worst. Nothing is going get done as no one can work with the others (evenly split Congress). No one is going to happy as it appears all hell is going be turned a loose. I just going to hunker down and avoid everyone that I can. Just hope they don't screw up SS and Medicare. Sorry just my opinion.
It is going to be bigger nightmare if things keep on the current path than I am currently dealing with the two major parts distributors I have online. Neither one of them knows what going on as they changed software and now trying to run to completely different systems at the same time. Even the price files are no longer valid except from Rotary and Stens. I simply don't if I am going to get the parts I order or they are going to cost. Just can't run a business this way. Right now I am better off ordering thru Amazon and Temu as at least I know what costs are.
Matter of fact I got to call Monday about an order I place with RBI over a month ago as when I looked Saturday the system said the parts were shipped and received but I only got a partial shipment and not a full shipment.