Getting an older Bad Boy ZT back in service


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2020
You have a one of a kind mower. Mine is a ZT ellite 60" deck. It mows worse than a brush hog, built in 1954, back when I was born. Talked to Bad Boy many times, and the distributor. They just side talk and try to change the conversation and out right denie any issues with the cutting. But Being a retired disabled Veitnam bet, with limited income, there is not much you can do but save and save to replace it with a different brand this time around. Been saving since I used it two years. It is utterly pathitic at the finish mowing. A Gem of a mower otherwise. Runs great, turns great, backs up great, Every thing about the mower is great, but having a bad finishing cut, Just makes all the good things not worth it. Believe it or not, they are sending a representative out to my house next week they claim. It is Wednesday, May 13, 2020. He called me on the phone, so I am inclined to beleive them. We will see.

Hay man..... don't leave us hanging ! Did the rep come out and is it fixed?