OK - the pieces of the puzzle are coming together.
NOTE exhibit A:
1. When engine would not start, I tested the battery first. Noticed a "SPRING" (far left in pic) wedged up under engine. Didn't ring a bell at the time.
2. When I took off rear panel on skid steer to get better access, I found a "STOPPER" (middle in pic) lying a level down in the very bottom floor of the machine where hydraulics are located. Thought that may have been for the spring I found a couple days earlier.
3. When I took off the starter, the "GEAR SPUR" (far right in pic) fell down from the flywheel area. When I picked the gear up I looked at the starter wondering what happened to the "BOLT" and where did it go????
4. After getting the "SPRING" from inside and looked the starter over I found the "NUT". Missing "NUT" stuck under the bottom flange nut. NOTE exhibit B:
5. Nut threads were stripped down smooth. See exhibit C:
6. Looked up the parts diagram and it looks like a few pieces may still be missing: Seal #92093, part #14020,part #39108.
7. Tested started in it spun up fine.
Will need to order some parts and get it put back together.