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Foreclosure Cutting




These pictures are from a foreclosure cut from yesterday, What do you think???





What did it look like before? Looks good enough for a foreclosure to me. Around here they get about 3 cuts a year. They look horrible. Before and after. If I was the fellow with the trash left on my grass I would be upset. Probly would fire up the MTD and blow it right back and then some.




This is why guys don't last they leave yards looking like that and are told to go back and fix it for free.

A few things they send you back for

Edge drive
Blow drive
Show a ruler that grass is under 3 inches

We cut every 10 to 14 days

Yards have to be kept up like someone is loving there.

Not all empty homes are foreclosed

I would be embarrassed to leave a yard like that even if it was a few feet tall before.




I filled out an application again this week to do some of that work. I would love to get some yards to cut every 10 days and would enjoy making them look great. I only know of one guy that does that around here and he does not do quality work but still appears to be making real good money.




I am not in the lawn mowing business but it looks like get it was done for as little money as possible. I bought a place from the county because of unpaid back taxes and I don't think it was mowed for some years back. It took me most of the summer to make it look like a lawn again. So I think that a half of a job is better then none. Unless you know what the whole story is behind bad looking mow job how can you say its bad? Yes I can see pride in doing a good job but did the owner want one? Its the same in the repair part of it. If a person doesn't want to spend the money to have the proper repairs but its all apart in my shop but wants it put back together. This is when my work looks like that mow job.




I have done yards that was over 3 feet tall.
The hard part is what to do with all the clippings.
Sometime you get lucky and there is a woods line to put them or make beds with the clippings around trees.
Or can get paid $4 for every 30 gallon trash bag full of clippings or leaves.




That mow job would be welcome compared to the mess we have in our community with a house that was forclosed on a couple of years ago now owned by a large bank out of state. I'm talking two feet tall and then to add "insult to injury" the local city goverment dosen't seem to be able to do anything about it.

It would be more attractive to fence around it and put 4 or 5 goats in it to maintain the property.




If you don't own it just why do you care how it looks. I guess I am lucky because I have never shared a lawn. Where I live we have scrap land, woods or roads between our homes. Not like the villages or housing track where one lawn go's into another so one bad lawn or house can makes the neighborhood look bad.
