For Bert


Lawn Addict
Apr 16, 2018
I'm sorry my friend. I really am. But I'm just wondering, why would Australia do this to the good folks down under.


P.S. Bert, I'm just poking a little fun, my guy. Nothing personal towards you or Australia.
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Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
First of all I have been riding BSA motorcycles since the age of 12 so have a backside thicker than a Wombat ( look it up ).
Next I have little to no ego so attempts at insulting me will just make your fingers sore from typing.
And lastly I have no idea at all what that prancing was about nor do I intend to find out.

The olympics is yet another thing I have little interest in as I have little interest in sports period and even less now that they include all sorts of junk so the wealthy countries can intimidate & humiliate the poor countries .
IMHO it would be best served to go back to track & field events + swimming
That would cut the cost of staging the event down by 80% .
Possibly include some winter events that do not involve custom made $ 10,000 kit
Does a cycling medal really mean you are the best in the world or just that your $ 250,000 gear is better than your opponents $ 10,000 kit .
And I would go one further and have all the athletes compete bare footed or at the least , all wearing the exact same shoes so the advantage is the person not the shoes .
It is no longer a sporting event but a media spectacle held for the benefit of sponsors .
When we held the 2000 games every final was held under lights at stupid times to suit the prime time TV viewing on the countries most likely to win medals and it has just gotten worse since then

As for team sports, leave them to team sports events .
Each year the host country attempts to add a team sport where they dominate but as football is really the only world wide team sport, all the others are just fluff to bring in sponsors cash .
And if they are scared that this will reduce viewers ( as if that matters ) then go back to doing it as was done originally,, naked .
That should get a few more eyeballs and perhaps start a healthier outlook towards the human body rather than the 100% sex marketing view that we have allowed it to become .


Lawn Addict
Apr 16, 2018
First of all I have been riding BSA motorcycles since the age of 12 so have a backside thicker than a Wombat ( look it up ).
Next I have little to no ego so attempts at insulting me will just make your fingers sore from typing.
And lastly I have no idea at all what that prancing was about nor do I intend to find out.

The olympics is yet another thing I have little interest in as I have little interest in sports period and even less now that they include all sorts of junk so the wealthy countries can intimidate & humiliate the poor countries .
IMHO it would be best served to go back to track & field events + swimming
That would cut the cost of staging the event down by 80% .
Possibly include some winter events that do not involve custom made $ 10,000 kit
Does a cycling medal really mean you are the best in the world or just that your $ 250,000 gear is better than your opponents $ 10,000 kit .
And I would go one further and have all the athletes compete bare footed or at the least , all wearing the exact same shoes so the advantage is the person not the shoes .
It is no longer a sporting event but a media spectacle held for the benefit of sponsors .
When we held the 2000 games every final was held under lights at stupid times to suit the prime time TV viewing on the countries most likely to win medals and it has just gotten worse since then

As for team sports, leave them to team sports events .
Each year the host country attempts to add a team sport where they dominate but as football is really the only world wide team sport, all the others are just fluff to bring in sponsors cash .
And if they are scared that this will reduce viewers ( as if that matters ) then go back to doing it as was done originally,, naked .
That should get a few more eyeballs and perhaps start a healthier outlook towards the human body rather than the 100% sex marketing view that we have allowed it to become .

No one, especially me, isn't making fun of you. I had a suspicion you didn't even know about the supposed break dancer. The only link between you and her was both being from Australia.
My apologies if it came out anything other than a casual joke amongst men.

And agreed, the olympics have turned into something other than it should be. They even have what's called as "free style" biking. Which is much like break dancing on a bicycle. Retarded.
And speed walking. Also not really a sport.

With that said, there are still some events worth watching. The best of the best, from all over the world coming together to compete in a sporting event of their choosing, is pretty fun to watch. Depending on the event, of course. And it's good to see these people who've worked so hard make it to the Olympics and succeed at something they enjoy doing.


Lawn Addict
Jan 10, 2020
Olympics is a scam. Cities petition ( bribe) the IOC to host the games. Countries petition (bribe) the IOC to add events. With a big enough bribe I could probably get tiddly winks added as an Olympic sport.


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2012
I do like real sports events = the clock or measuring tape or # of hits determines winner. Thankfully, no break dancing in 2028.


Staff member
Sep 24, 2017
i think the olympics should be performed by regular citizens from each country, not athletes.... that would be far more entertaining,.