First off thats a great review and if people read and take your advice about loading their tires on both tractors and zero turns more people would be safer and have more control on hills, ditches, etc. I don't know why dealers are not telling their customers about loaded tires when they are selling mowers. I think you gave an honest review, you had two test planned out and the third one was a bonus. (you need to fill in the hole) I think you talked about that hole in your last review on you newest JD. You write reviews that people can understand. Good job. Carscw;; Do you remember when we posted about loading tires and how some people said how you were wrong and how it doesn't help, etc, etc. Well if they read Nwatons99 review and believe it they just might try it and see and feel the difference in the handling of their machines. I have loaded my tires for years and know for a fact that is a good idea and it make mowers safer on hills, ditches, etc with better traction and ride.