- Live in Oregon (Portland Area)
- Grass Type: Unknown
- Drains Well from what I can tell when it rained ridiculously hard during the inspection.
- lots of long runs and less intricate turns ( backyard ), except for front yard ( 600-1000 sqft ) with tree/s and some low shrub/flower beds around.
My recommendation has not changed, 20384 will work just fine for you.
I agree with Toro. I have two of them for years now and the only things I have ever replaced on them is wheels and blades. When I say years its been over 45 years and I bought them used.
So 20382 or the 20384 (if I wanted electric start) in regards would be good picks?
Outside of the Honda engine(pull start) in the 20382 and the electric start (non-Honda engine) of the 20384. Is there not much of a difference between the units? I can't seem to really pinpoint a major difference other than that.
Second question, where's the best place to purchase either product from? Also do you know of anywhere that does Military/Veteran discounts as well? (Home Depot doesn't seem to carry either, may have to look at one of the pricier lawn stores?...)
Personally, I don't really like the Honda engine unit, but have seen not problems with them. Models 20381, 20382, and 20384 are all on the same deck, only difference is either engine or electric start. Don't know of any discounts available at this time, but if you purchase from a dealer, they may have an in-house promotion.