I haven't but I would like to try. I have a tree that makes alot of leaves in the fall.
I've got two types of Tow Behind Yard Vacs.....a Craftsman model, no longer in production, that I bought in 1996.....the motor sits on brackets on the back of the tractor, so that the collection tube from the deck is shorter and makes the turning radius equal both right and left, the collection trailer has tall metal sides, weighs a ton when its full.! (Simplicity also did it this way)
The Cyclone Rake
Cyclone Rake Lawn Vacuum Systems intrigues me. I've been getting their mailings for years and can't see anything about them that I don't like.
My other unit is an older Trac-Vac, probably from the early 80's, similar to this Craftsman
Sears: Online department store featuring appliances, tools, fitness equipment and more ....there are many of these around, made by the same company with different colors and names.....they work fine, but are real long and don't work very well around a lot of smaller trees and bushes, you have to make a much larger diameter sweep.
I realize that you didn't ask for all this info, but , hey, it's that time of year:laughing: