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Driveway tactic



richard Miller


We have a 400 foot driveway on a 30 degree incline. We do it in quarters with our sears snow blower. Starting at the top, We go down the right side returning up the middle. Then we go down the left side returning up the middle in the undone portion. On to the next segment same proceedure.
This works best for us. If it is extra cold and windy we switch operators and have a good supply of hot chocolate on hand and a fire in the fire place.





We have a 400 foot driveway on a 30 degree incline. We do it in quarters with our sears snow blower. Starting at the top, We go down the right side returning up the middle. Then we go down the left side returning up the middle in the undone portion. On to the next segment same proceedure.
This works best for us. If it is extra cold and windy we switch operators and have a good supply of hot chocolate on hand and a fire in the fire place.

Welcome to LMF....if that tactic works well for you, great. As for me, the snow here is so weird sometimes I never have any set routine for removal. Our drive runs around the house, two roadfront entrances, about a 500 foot long "U" shape. Due to wind and trees, drifting, etc, it is always a tossup how much snow ends up where.




Are you sure it is a 30 degree incline ? That would be hard to walk with it perfectly dry. I can't immagine trying to walk on it in snow or ice. :eek:




Are you sure it is a 30 degree incline ? That would be hard to walk with it perfectly dry. I can't immagine trying to walk on it in snow or ice. :eek:
Now you mention it, it does sound a bit odd for a drive way to be on such a hill, but then again, I have seen one house that the drive way is at about a 30 degree incline.

The drive way at our old house was on a 15 degree incline, but the one at this house is perfectly level, thank goodness!





We have a 400 foot driveway on a 30 degree incline. We do it in quarters with our sears snow blower. Starting at the top, We go down the right side returning up the middle. Then we go down the left side returning up the middle in the undone portion. On to the next segment same proceedure.
This works best for us. If it is extra cold and windy we switch operators and have a good supply of hot chocolate on hand and a fire in the fire place.

i'm assuming it is a 2 car wide driveway and hard surface?not gravel. one thing you could do is keep it snowblowed the width of the driveway at and near the garage for good access to the entire garage opening and then snowblow just a single width for the remainder of the driveway so that by the time you get to the end of the driveway you're not out of energy to tackle the eod berms that the street crews leave behind. sounds like that sears blower is getting a good workout



Mower manic

I just wait a few hours until it melts.:rolleyes:




I just wait a few hours until it melts.:rolleyes:
A few hours!?

If he waited for it to melt, he'd be waiting from December until February if he lived here!



Mower manic

A few hours!?

If he waited for it to melt, he'd be waiting from December until February if he lived here!





Yes, really.



richard Miller

The driveway is 10 feet wide in two parts. The first fifty to 60 feet are about 30 degrees. then it tapers out to about 15 to 20 degrees to the parking pad at the top of the hill, which houses 8 cars. It takes ( 6" of snow ) about 1 ti 1 1/2 hours to do the driveway. Thats why two people and hot chocolate. This is a classic case of having too much. But we do feel fortunate.




8 cars for how many people ?




8 cars for how many people ?

I think perhaps he refers to "8 cars" to make a size reference....but FYI my wife and I have four vehicles for the two of us plus our MH. Stop laughing.



richard Miller

Actually there are 8 cars on the parking pad. We own seven for four people. I don't know why. Anyhow, my son does custom car interiors for a living and usually there are one or two xtras around making the actual total 10. But....his two extras alternate in the shop.




Actually there are 8 cars on the parking pad. We own seven for four people. I don't know why. Anyhow, my son does custom car interiors for a living and usually there are one or two xtras around making the actual total 10. But....his two extras alternate in the shop.

Bet your AAA, or State Farm, or whatever agent you have loves people like you....



Black Bart

Reading this thread makes me glad that I have a heated cab on my 430 that I blow snow with. :thumbsup:
I need to sell some cars I'm retired so don't drive every day but have 6 vehicles just for the wife and me. :eek:

I had 7 but sold one this year.
Need to sell some more.



Frank B

You really need an ATV with a 60" blade. Later! Frank
