My drink of choice on a lazy summer day is i cold frothy root beer. Nothing tastes quite better than a mug of root beer, add in a scoop of vanilla ice cream and make a float and that's even better.
Yeah, what's a lazy summer day? I just came in, been raking fresh cut grass to mulch my garden with, making a custom fitted 3X5 foot cover for a basement window well, and preparing to go fix a sliding patio door for a neighbor. And cleaning up and sharpening the tines on my rototiller, making a new downspout to replace the one that my wife stepped on and cracked....etc.
I am scarfing down what is called Old Orchard brand Healthy Balance grape drink. There are other flavors. It is very low in sugar quite very thirst quenching. Stores sell it in the juice section. I never drink soda because this stuff is so much healthier you you. 8 ounces have 8 grams of sugar, and only 32 calories. Best diet drink you can find.
I think part of the reason I am putting on more pounds is that I consume too much soda (surgary) types of drinks, that does not count the times after a long day when you crack one open either. On a working day, in the sun, water, plain and simple.
If I do consume soda I make sure it is diet, I know that's a whole other debate, but it's better than packing on unwanted pounds from beverages. I also like good old fashioned cold water as long as it has ice.