Some people get really angry when a plow pushes snow into their driveway and don't seem to understand that's just how it is. There is really no viable option for the plow operator in most cases.
Some people get really angry when a plow pushes snow into their driveway and don't seem to understand that's just how it is. There is really no viable option for the plow operator in most cases.
I'm on the fire department, and some of the DPW guys are also....and they keep my driveway clear at the road, large truck comes down like normal, and a pick up comes in behind him to clear the end
really, say that again when your house is on fireIs this good for everybody in the town on the fire deptment and who is paying for this?
really, say that again when your house is on fire
Our town used to plow out the Fire Chief who is also an EMT for the ambulance association, but I plow his apron now that I plow the driveway next to him. He has a 4wd work truck now and that's usually all he needs. There is a wide shared apron that "Y's" off from there to the respective driveways. I don't know if they do the same for the other volunteer fire and ambulance guys, but I can't imagine anyone in town complaining about it if they did.
The funny thing is that the driveway I plow is actually my back driveway about 1/2 mile from my house (we have 34 acres) and I get paid to plow it for the homeowner that has a right-of-way across it and a house embedded in my property.