Cub cadet zero turn 52” 7000 kt735 engine choke part broken where connect to carb

Jun 11, 2023
  • / Cub cadet zero turn 52” 7000 kt735 engine choke part broken where connect to carb
Choke part needed that connects to carb….anyone have an idea what it’s called so I can get the part. For my guy to fix it


Lawn Royalty
Feb 19, 2020
  • / Cub cadet zero turn 52” 7000 kt735 engine choke part broken where connect to carb
Walbro LMC carburetor I think.

If you are referring to circle part here as what you are needing.
Then it is new carb time as Walbro does not sell that part. And it is mounted via a press in bushing.

Just had to replace two of these carbs because damage to this part.
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Jun 11, 2023
  • / Cub cadet zero turn 52” 7000 kt735 engine choke part broken where connect to carb
It looked like a little metal piece .this pic is a big part. But thx i will tell him. Getting expensive


Lawn Addict
Jul 14, 2019
  • / Cub cadet zero turn 52” 7000 kt735 engine choke part broken where connect to carb
But thx i will tell him. Getting expensive
You can thank the Biden Cartel for all this. Groceries, gas, local utilities, fake covid and those dust only rated masks and don't forget that ONE cargo ship in the Suez Canal. Let me repeat myself, ONE ship that got sideways. Remember the Suez carries like 13% of the worlds cargo. And for what a few days halted the Canal? Making everything we buy nearly triple in price? Gas was $1.69 for E-10 and $1.99 for 100% gas in Oklahoma when Trump was in office. Back to lawn mowers.
Jun 11, 2023
  • / Cub cadet zero turn 52” 7000 kt735 engine choke part broken where connect to carb
I will tell my guy. And yes I am a right wing guy myself. Our America is going to h%#$. needs a big change in power structure.thx Info


Lawn Royalty
Feb 19, 2020
  • / Cub cadet zero turn 52” 7000 kt735 engine choke part broken where connect to carb
Now come on Slomo. I had several none believers customers of Covid to die here. Even had one repair shop owner to die of Covid. And you can't just blame Biden for everything. Trump is right in there too along with a lot other politicians. But the main problem is our non functioning Congress. A bunch of spoiled brats fighting over a cookie. As long as they refuse to work with each other we are not going to get anything done. Our problems is not just a Democrat or Republican problems it is an all of us problem. Right now they got this attitude that it is "My way or the highway".

As for the gas prices it is Opec and the war that Russia started and fighting with Ukraine. And then there is all the greedy middle men involved. Plus the consumer just keep buying it. Face it we at their mercy as we got to have the fuel to go places of any distance. Don't know if you remember the gas shortage of the early 80's but the problem can be much worst now if that happens again.

And our prices are going up too because Trump removed a lot of the regs that keep companies under control. Just look what the banking regs he removed did. It took time for the problem to manifest but it has now. Several large bank failed from lack of cash reserves. And now my Credit Union in Dayton is just keep changing the rules so they can hang on my money longer before giving me credit for my payments trying to draw more interest. After 40 yrs with them I am leaving for the local CU here.

Everybody is bitching about the foreigners coming into our country. Well coming here illegally is a problem but many blames even the one that comes here legally. We have crops now in fields that not being harvested because no one is willing to do the work that these folks do.

Groceries here higher due to climate changes but most right wingers don't believe it is real. Well it is as you got to look at the long term patterns. Even the climate here is changing as we are getting less rain during our rainy season. I no longer have fish in my pond as it dries completely up by late July. Ten years ago it was fully stock with fish.
Just this we had a late hard freeze that took out about 90% of the peach crop. Personally I lost the whole crop here. Tomatoes plants in some places are dying because of too much water.
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Lawn Royalty
Feb 19, 2020
  • / Cub cadet zero turn 52” 7000 kt735 engine choke part broken where connect to carb
It looked like a little metal piece .this pic is a big part. But thx i will tell him. Getting expensive
Post a pic of what you are looking at and I see if it is separate piece that is available from Kohler. It might be the stiff wire linkage or other part.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
  • / Cub cadet zero turn 52” 7000 kt735 engine choke part broken where connect to carb
You can thank the Biden Cartel for all this. Groceries, gas, local utilities, fake covid and those dust only rated masks and don't forget that ONE cargo ship in the Suez Canal. Let me repeat myself, ONE ship that got sideways. Remember the Suez carries like 13% of the worlds cargo. And for what a few days halted the Canal? Making everything we buy nearly triple in price? Gas was $1.69 for E-10 and $1.99 for 100% gas in Oklahoma when Trump was in office. Back to lawn mowers.
The only place that the bum that warms the big chair in the white house makes any difference is in Wall Street where all of the desk jockies go beserk buying & selling stock options .
The Suez canal carries ALL of the freight to & from the EU into Asia Around 60 ships a day
So over 6 days that is 600 ships that were late and 40 that were suck there for the full 6 days
Those ships caused 12,000 ships to miss their slots at various ports around the world and this created havock because each & every one of them had thousands of containers that all had a slot on trucks & trains that were missed plus warehouse space that was empty then of course over capacity once the blockage started to clear.
Containers that were sent to the wharfs of course could not be uploaded because the ships they were going on had yet to be unloaded
If you had been in heavy transport you would have a better understanding of logistical bottlenecks
Add to that a worldwide container shortage because those 2,500,000 containers had up to 20 pallets in each one , many of which were hired hardwood pallets that again were scheduled to be elsewhere and not sitting off shore for 3 weeks because ports are already running 20% over capacity.
China closing down is what really stuffed things up for the USA as there is not single item made in the USA that does not use parts imported from China
Then of course there was a trade stand off generated by President Trump so US factories were already in short supply when China closed down.
Australian foundries got desperation orders from US companies because their regular supply from China was unavailable
That meant for the stuff that got made they had to use American sourced parts at 10 x the Chinese sourced parts price.
As for Covid being fake well that says a lot about your ability to look at facts objectively and make a rational conclusion
Some of my friends got covid , just like a cold , over it in a couple of weeks 3 died and one has Long Covid and will probably never be fit enough to work again.
HE offered me his treasured collection of vintage motorcycles that he can not hold upright let alone kick start .
You can believe what ever you like but don't try to spread total BS on this forum, take to Feaces Book where it belongs .
Take our summer vacation in Brazil another country with a government that said Covid was fake and spend weeks trying to count all of the graves .
Another motorcycling friend of mine was in Indonesia during their Covid crisis and made a fortune digging mass graves with a bull dozer for the unclaimed bodies .

Now the actions of various governments could have been a whole lot better including ours down here and the insistance on doing PCR's rather than screening 100% of the population was the absolutist stupidist things that most governments did when trying to prevent the spread of a virus but the virus was very much real.
Because we have a much smaller population & we did national lockdowns we were able to very successful track & trace each infection back to a single source .
Again a friends daughter was in one of the contact tracing teams that did this work, she put in 20 hour days and again made a motza in overtime .
The numbers will always be rubbery because there is a large section of BUSINESS that will attempt to cash in on every crisis so I have no doubt that hospitals may have exagerated numbers to get extra funding .