This is an image I pinched off the web.
the belt you were sold was most likely a std B section which is called 5/8 although it is not, but when put under load it changes shape a little.
Compare that to the other two 5/8 belts.
the 5V and the 5L
The 5V has the same V angle as the B section but is deeper.
Murray used this belt extensively for their deck drive belt.
There is also a 4 V which has a nominal 1/2 " width
Now have a good look at the 5L
Again it is nominally 5/8 " but the V angle is a lot wider and the depth is a lot shallower.
These belts are used extensively for variable pulleys ( also called sliding sheave ) as you have on your drive.
If you fit a std B or 5V section then the belt will bottom out when the sheave is at it narrowest and as there is no grip from the bottom of the belt, it will slip.
So If you have the wrong belts top & bottom it will slip at the fastest & the slowest speeds.
Now this is just the section.
After that you have the position of the cords, and their size.
A drive belt generally will have the cords closer to the back of the belt than a deck belt which has to bend back on itself a lot.
However both a deck and a drive belt will have the cords deeper into the belt than a std B section belt
Finally there is the cover material which can be cotton, a cotton blend , pollyester or kevlar.
I have ignored rubber compounds but again they vary according to the purpose of the belt.
The wrong belt will work, but it will not work for as long or as well as the correct belt and can damage the pulleys by wearing a groove into the drive face from the shoulder of the belt.
I usually fit Stens belts, except for vary drives where I fit Oregon belts.
Both Stens & Oregon claim their belts are OEM but the Stens belts just don't cut the mustard on varidrives although visually I can not tell the difference.