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Craftsman 6.0




It sat for a year and a half. The carb screw just needed some adjustment and she was running fine yesterday. Did my whole lawn with her then she ran out of gas. Filled her up with new fresh gas and now she won't start. If I spray starter fluid in the air cleaner hole she will start up for a second and then die.

- Changed oil since it hadn't been done for ages.
- Checked for spark and it is good.
- Took apart the carb and sprayed carb cleaner until it was coming out of every hole.
- Cleaned the jet on the bottom of the bowl completely.
- Soaked the whole carb in some carb cleaner in a bowl.

All fuel lines look OK as well.

What am I missing here? This is an older model Craftsman 6.0 with larger wheels in the back and I,believe Tecumseh motor. Tia.




Tecumseh and some briggs have a rubber valve seat that will swell as much a 4 times normal diameter when exposed to some carb cleaners. it may have swelled and shut off the fuel flow. You will most likely need to disassemble and install a carb kit to fix the issue. Or at least replace the float valve seat.




Tecumseh and some briggs have a rubber valve seat that will swell as much a 4 times normal diameter when exposed to some carb cleaners. it may have swelled and shut off the fuel flow. You will most likely need to disassemble and install a carb kit to fix the issue. Or at least replace the float valve seat.

Thanks for the info. What does the float valve seat look like?




A little rubber O ring in the bottom of the float seat.
They oft get blown out If you blow the fuel lnlet with high pressure air other wise you dig it out with a darning needle, of the you beaut Tecumseh carby tool.
Push the new one down with a punch and a small smear of rubber grease.




Replaced all the parts and still no go. It will run for a bit if I sit there pressing the primer and starting it at the same time then just die. I have the air filter off and now fuel is just dripping out of there hole quickly.




Almost sounds like he got some dirt of the bottom of the tank running it dry




Almost sounds like he got some dirt of the bottom of the tank running it dry

How can I clean it out the best? Just empty the tank and run some seafoam through it? I mean there is fuel in the line and the bowl as far as I can tell.




Pull the bowl off and watch what happens when you work the float up and down.
See where the float sits when it cuts off the fuel supply.
Check that you have not got the gasket ovethanging fouling the float.
it does not take much to hang it up and strangle the mower.
If the fuel level is 0.5mm too low the mower will not start.




Pull the bowl off and watch what happens when you work the float up and down.
See where the float sits when it cuts off the fuel supply.
Check that you have not got the gasket ovethanging fouling the float.
it does not take much to hang it up and strangle the mower.
If the fuel level is 0.5mm too low the mower will not start.

This is weird. Pulled the bowl no fuel in it. In fact it appears to be bone dry.





you have a fuel restriction between the fuel tank and the carb needle. No you need to find out if it is the rubber seats swelled, or something in the fuel inlet, or the hose or fuel filter in the tank is clogged.




you have a fuel restriction between the fuel tank and the carb needle. No you need to find out if it is the rubber seats swelled, or something in the fuel inlet, or the hose or fuel filter in the tank is clogged.

Thanks. I am just done with this thing now. I've wasted a week of my life trying to fix this thing.




Well I'd start by removing your tank and give it a good flush, for a couple bucks get some new line and an inline filter. Then you can focus on the carb




Well I'd start by removing your tank and give it a good flush, for a couple bucks get some new line and an inline filter. Then you can focus on the carb

How do I flush the tank? Just with a hose and water?




Remove your tank , fill with 1/4 gas, shake hard, dump out the larger fill hole, repeat until your happy
