It is my professional opinion that regularly switching blades is not only wasteful, but very expensive in the long run. Sharpening blades yourself may save money short term, but if in the wrong hands, a grinding stone can spell disaster for the quality of your cuts. If you are like me, then you probably treat every cut like it may be your last! Take your blades to a reputable swordsmith. I personally have the blade for my Kgro custom forged to my personal preferences. Stock parts are not an option for me. If you want your yard to look like all of your neighbor’s yards, then by all means use OEM parts. This is especially true for blades as they are a single point of failure for a perfect cut! A master swordsmith will turn your mower into a finely tuned grass blade slicing machine. Start by doing your homework and find someone that’s not just going to build you a blade, but an artist who will create the masterpiece that will give you the greatest cutting experience of your life. Yes, it is that important! Once you find the right person, only allow them to touch that blade. I drive over 6 hours to SOFA (my trusted blacksmith) in Ohio to have my blade inspected and treated prior to the first cut of every season. Remember, without the right blade, a mower is just a go-kart! Godspeed!
You're kidding, right?