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California considers a statewide ban on gas powered lawn equipment.




Title says it all. This is completely idiotic.




Nothing regarding that state surprises me.




Makes one wonder how many CA politicians are part owners of a electric grid.









That is ludicrous but typical of the granola state which is full of fruits, nuts, and flakes.Some lawmakers need to get out of their downtown high rises and experience reality. I enjoy visiting the place but sure couldn't live there.




Shouldn't come as a surprise, but what do ya mow ? everything is brown, cause you can't water.

Been there to visit. No return trips planned.




Don't CLICK on that link. It is BAD.




Don't CLICK on that link. It is BAD.
which link?




Link in 1st post, I clicked on it & it made me puter screen go blue. I quickly shut down & have been running a scan.




Link in 1st post, I clicked on it & it made me puter screen go blue. I quickly shut down & have been running a scan.
Oh wow, I've opened it twice and nothing. Windows defender says all is well.

maybeeee uhhhhhh "operator error" ? :)




Freaky thing then, IDK, I'm staying away from it tho.




Well we all knew this was coming didn't we ?

Which state has all the battery power research ?
So it is in their interest to have everyone buying a new mower / blower / chainsaw every 2 to 3 years
The environmentally ignorant & passionate green lobbyists will throw their support behind the current administration so they will be in power for at least 2 more terms on the back of this.
First term they will ban the sale of petrol powered tools
Second term they will ban the use of petrol powered tools
For the 3rd term election they will announce the ban of the retail sale of petrol powered cars
For the 4th term they will ban the use of petrol powered cars, just after they stock up on Tesla shares.




Freaky thing then, IDK, I'm staying away from it tho.
won't hurt
Sometimes stuff like that will affect different computers differently




Well we all knew this was coming didn't we ?

Which state has all the battery power research ?
So it is in their interest to have everyone buying a new mower / blower / chainsaw every 2 to 3 years
The environmentally ignorant & passionate green lobbyists will throw their support behind the current administration so they will be in power for at least 2 more terms on the back of this.
First term they will ban the sale of petrol powered tools
Second term they will ban the use of petrol powered tools
For the 3rd term election they will announce the ban of the retail sale of petrol powered cars
For the 4th term they will ban the use of petrol powered cars, just after they stock up on Tesla shares.
Their governor is in the process of being recalled, but the counties won't take the signatures from the petitions to make it happen.




I see the mayor did neither maths nor science.




Cool! Add that to the list of things you can't use when the power company shuts down your grid because of fear of overloading the system and starting ANOTHER forest fire.




First most of the electric grid caused fires are from blowing items contacting the transmission lines causing sparks from short circuits. Limiting users to battery powered is only going to increase over grown vegetation problems as people will just another to not to work because the battery is dead. Even battery powered equipment can cause sparks that ignites very dry vegetation. With California also limiting weed killers it is no wonder things are getting out hand.

The only solution to the power grid problem is wireless transmission which is impossible at the current time at the amperage needed. Can't bury the lines due earth movements.

It a catch 22 in one sense. Basically you are damn if you do and damn if you don't.



Darryl G

Simple solution - put huge engines on your power equipment. They're talking about banning small-engine machines, right?




Simple solution - put huge engines on your power equipment. They're talking about banning small-engine machines, right?




I like your thinking.




Don't CLICK on that link. It is BAD.
Well, crud. I pulled it directly from the ABC News website. Just went back and double checked it to make sure nothing is messed up. I've tried it half a dozen times and not seeing an issue...




Sure hope none of the firefighting equipment is run with a small engine :ROFLMAO:




Well, crud. I pulled it directly from the ABC News website. Just went back and double checked it to make sure nothing is messed up. I've tried it half a dozen times and not seeing an issue...

Maybe it was just my computer. IDK, it started doing some crazy Blue screen stuff & my system blocked an attemped invasion.




The problem is if it gets on the ballot the people will likely vote for it because they don't really think about the unintended effects of the nonsense they vote for.




People don't think full stop.
From here is seems USA elections is all about hoop-la emotions & tribalism , thought does not seem to come into it .
So no surprise when nonsence happens .
Down here voting is compulsory so that panders to the lazy who just tick the same box they did last time .
The problem is voters are not held liable for the outcome of their vote.
Representative democracies do not work particularly well and 2 party representative democracies are even worse because they become tribal .
Switzerland has the only true democracy and they have the best laws by far .
However politicans hate this idea because they actually have to work to convince the population that the law they are changing is worthwhile and the opposition then has to show it is not .
This is hard work for which they can not get kick backs.
If reasonable gun control laws were put to the good people of the USA there is little doubt it would pass with flying colours .
While it is in the hands of politiicians it never will because it only takes a small number of voters to vote them out .
If the government had to justify new EPA regulations then very few would get past because it is dead easy to show that 99% of them are all show wit high costs to the population & a benefit so low as to be unmeasurable .

Prime example of uninformed tribalism was the Obama care ( communist plot ) vs Medicare debate ( freedom ) where most who were so passionate about it had no idea it was the same thing.

In the land where average engine capacity of motor vehicles is 8 litres the idea that cleaning the exhaust of engines under 1 litre that would be lucky to be running for any more than 50 hours year will have any effect on the enviroment would be seen by Joe public as strait bull dust , particularly when the engines are only "clean" for a very short time .
