Briggs VANGUARD eng. BACK in the U.S.A.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014

It never left the USA.
The factory in Japan serviced the European & Asian markets primarily then made up shortfall into the USA.
Most major manufacturers are moving from Japan to China & India.
Diahatsu will probably now partner with a Chinese company to produce the same engines with a different cowling that will replace the Vanguards every where except the USA.
Apart from whacking huge import duties on engines from overseas the Government can do little to prevent off shoring of USA manufacturing.

It could introduce price & wages control but the sad fact is while the USA is a very rich country the citizens are very cheap ( and Aust is not far behind ) .
So while they could afford to pay for a good quality home made mower they would rather by cheap imported junk.


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2017
This is good news although who knows what the end result will be. My Vanguard has "JAPAN" stamped all over it and I do have to say that it is one smooth running and quiet engine! My step-dad has the new Vanguard 28 EFI in his Ferris and that thing is a beast. I really do wish that more commercial and consumer zero turns would use Briggs. Aside from John Deere at Home Depot, you do not see many Briggs engines out there. Kohler seems to dominate the low end consumer rider and zero turn mowers with companies like Toro switching to their own branded engines. I have always been a big fan of how well the Briggs ran and how easy they are to work on.