Thanks for the kudos! However,I'm way back in second place on this hop-up. I have looked and looked for the Snapper video that I saw a year or two ago with no luck. This guy put an outboard engine powerhead on a Snapper! As best as I can remember,it was 115hp Mercury outboard.First time i have ever seen someone hotrod a Snapper flexiflyer. Out in the barn i have a JD S82 rear engine that came with a 8hp that was worn out so i dropped 12hp briggs in it and i thought that was hopped up. You win.
It was water-cooled and had a small radiator mounted flat above the flywheel on top. Also 6(!)megaphone stacks sticking out the back.Man,I wish I could find the pics to share. It a good example of too much time on someone's hands,but was still awesome.