Ok.. no one has explained it like that to me.. no one has said that the flywheel air pushes the wind vain to the open piosition..
Thank you..
It’s also a toro 20331
I assumed from your earlier comment where you were wondering if someone sold you the wrong tension spring, that you understood basically how the system worked.
You could be on to something with the spring as it is a very small spring and very weak.
As soon as you start the engine, it needs to quickly blow the air vane away from the flywheel so the choke will open and it needs to do this before the engine even gets up to full speed. I would say that somewhere around 3/8 to 1/2 engine RPMs it should already be blowing it open.
That gives you an idea how little tension is being exerted to keep it in its normal position when the engine is off and cold.
I also lube the lever at the bottom near the muffler and move it back and forth a few times to make sure it can move easily as the engine warms up to keep the choke open.
The comments about hot restart problems are fairly common but normally only after you let the lawn mower sit for over 8 or 9 minutes and especially when it's in the shade and when there's a breeze. They don't intend for you to leave a lot more off that long on a hot restart.
It's not a computer controlled ECM but just old school manual heat risers and stuff so they can't make it adapt for all situations.
They expect you to go out to your mower after sitting all week long and put gas in it and check the oil.
It will be cold so they have the choke by default in the closed position.
As soon as you pull the rope and it starts to spin up to speed, it blows the air vane open which overcomes the spring tension and opens the choke.
Within just a couple of minutes the engine is hot enough so the heat riser choke disengagement lever thing over by the muffler rotates towards the front of the engine and holds the choke open so when you turn the engine off the choke will still be open because it will be hot and not need to choke for the restart.
They assume you're going to mow your entire lawn or if you have to turn it off to refuel that only takes under 2 minutes so it will be fine on the hot restart and if you're going to empty your bag that again only takes about a minute or so so no problems because the muffler choke pull off doesn't start to close until it cools off more than that.
But if you wait too long like 7 8 9 10 minutes something like that especially if there's a breeze because that muffler is thin sheet metal, it will cool off enough that it will start to work its way back towards the back of the engine and close and now if you don't pull the rope really really hard and it doesn't start in the first two pulls, it will be flooded and it won't start for about 45 minutes.
There is an adjustment on this and I don't understand why they don't come from the factory better adjusted. When you remove the shroud you can see a little lines on the end that show you the adjustment notches and they are almost always not opened up and there's a lot of play before it hits the plastic part of the air vane.
I have found that if you open them up where they are almost touching the plastic air vane, you will have better hot restarts.