Poor cut? What brands are better than Honda?Every Honda mower I've used from the low end to commercial jobs all run at low revs like 2600-2800rpm. This is how they make them quieter. Crank the revs up to 3600 and they will sing as loud as the rest of them. Also lower revs means less engine wear and fuel consumption. The deck design and blade equates to cutting quality. Summation from all my Honda experience is they are "good" mowers. Notice the word "good". They will last a good bit and most people don't recognize a poor cut. Are there better mowers out there than Honda, sure are. Two brands come to mind.
Lastly, my main issue with Hondas is the lack of engine torque. If you have dense grass like my Zenith Zoysia or Tifway Bermuda, look elsewhere. You need a big Briggs 190cc at minimum on these grasses.
Edit: If you need more than 4.4hp @ 3600 rpm & 6.9 lb-ft @ 2500 rpm to mow grass, then you have other issues than the engine.
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