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Brand New EFI Generator WON'T START - You'll NEVER Guess Why!







Watched that video earlier. And doesn't really surprise me. I have found K-1 and 2D in all kinds of items. But it brings up a point of what is Joe Blow homeowner going to do when they get either stale fuel or water contaminated dirty fuel in the EFI system on their lawnmower, generator, chainsaw. Or worse yet that fuel has turned to varnish in the injector.

The average person isn't going to have the knowledge nor the tools to deal with fuel varnish. And will it even be cost effective to repair that system. Just like that generator that I had to replace the ECU on this past year. The injector on that is considered part of the throttle body/ECU and is not replaceable separately. that was a $715 part.




As far as varnish goes, I'm wondering if an ultrasonic cleaner would work. I don't think submerging the whole injector would be a good idea. Maybe just shy of the electronic parts would couldn't hurt.




May be a solution, but if it gets like some of the fuel solenoid on carbs stuck gummed up may be hard to get the injector plunger freed up to even get the actual jet hole cleaned to create a clean spray.




Watched that video earlier. And doesn't really surprise me. I have found K-1 and 2D in all kinds of items. But it brings up a point of what is Joe Blow homeowner going to do when they get either stale fuel or water contaminated dirty fuel in the EFI system on their lawnmower, generator, chainsaw. Or worse yet that fuel has turned to varnish in the injector.

The average person isn't going to have the knowledge nor the tools to deal with fuel varnish. And will it even be cost effective to repair that system. Just like that generator that I had to replace the ECU on this past year. The injector on that is considered part of the throttle body/ECU and is not replaceable separately. that was a $715 part.
Problem solved. No place to put the wrong fuel in battery powered equipment.
It's for the greater good.




Problem solved. No place to put the wrong fuel in battery powered equipment.
It's for the greater good.
Very true. the problem is they are closing power plants at a fast rate and replacing them with solar that produces much less capacity. So can have your battery tool, but won't be able to charge it.

They are going to close all the coal fired power plants in my state between now and 2027 and have proposed using the sites to build solar farms and battery storage. the proposed output of all the solar farms combined will be less than the output capacity of just one of the coal plants.




Solar is the answer




They just closed Bull Run Steam Coal-fired plant about 4 miles away. Had been online since
I was a kid back in the 5Os. How are they going to fast charge all these electric cars
that don’t explode and burn first? I saw a u tube about a fairly new white elec suv type auto that
the battery blew up and hurled the entire car about 15 to 20 FEET UP IN THE AIR !




They just closed Bull Run Steam Coal-fired plant about 4 miles away. Had been online since
I was a kid back in the 5Os. How are they going to fast charge all these electric cars
that don’t explode and burn first? I saw a u tube about a fairly new white elec suv type auto that
the battery blew up and hurled the entire car about 15 to 20 FEET UP IN THE AIR !

Lithium Ion batteries won't be around much longer. Within the next 5 years, Sodium Ion will take it's place. (So if you got some investing money. (when it goes public))




Very true. the problem is they are closing power plants at a fast rate and replacing them with solar that produces much less capacity. So can have your battery tool, but won't be able to charge it.

They are going to close all the coal fired power plants in my state between now and 2027 and have proposed using the sites to build solar farms and battery storage. the proposed output of all the solar farms combined will be less than the output capacity of just one of the coal plants.
I won't argue about closing coal fired power stations, the actual pollution that comes from burning coal is massive unless you wet scrub the flue gasses and CO2 is the least of them
However the haste at which it is being done and the side effects are not being considered properly
For starters cement is 1/2 to 2/3 fly ash by volume so concrete prices will go through the roof
Secondly to run off batteries overnight resistance heaters can not be used and the cost of replacing all of the resistance heaters with heat pumps + the pollution embedded in producing the heat pumps & disposing of the resistance heaters far outweighs the pollution saved by not running coal or gas fired power stations overnight .

Wha people fail to appreciate, despite Monty Python's little finallie ditty in the movie "The Meaning of Life" that 1/2 the english speaking population of the planet can sing .
The sun is in fact the source of all energy on the planet and for millennia plants have been converting that solar energy into chemical and to a lesser extent potential energy much of which became converted to fossil fuels.
So all of this was in balance till white man evolved I don't know what it is about skin pigments but native peoples with coloured skins are far less destructive of the environment that those with white skin.
So white man started chopping down the forests which started to affect the energy balance as more energy got adsorbed into the surface of the planet which needed to be radiated out during the night to maintain the energy balance that has existed almost since the planet was formed .
As we became technically evolved we got better and better at destroying the plant life that converted the solar energy into chemical energy but the forests recovered in some places, the notable exception being the north of Africa where the stripping of forest cover extended the small desert regions into major deserts from which there can be no recovery without massive engineering interventions as Egypt , Turkey , China & Russia are all currently doing .
So mankind was adding more heat energy into the atmosphere each an every year while simultaneously reducing the plant life .
This was not a particularly spectacular change and the planet was sort of handleing it although engineering was stripping the planet of tall trees needed for sailing ship masts and hardwoods needed for ship hull frames and soft woods for the hull planks so the heat imbalance started to increase. Then the steam age began and we really started to make a mess of things firstly we were burning coal and over 80% of the heat generated from that combustion went strait into the atmosphere and global warming started to accelerate as hot air can hold more water, we were generating lots of steam and steam ( or rather clouds ) are just about the most powerful green house gas of all ( noticed that cloudy nights are always warmer ) to compound this more forest were chopped down for buildings and even more very old hardwoods were cut down for railway sleepers and of course the rail line s themselves required even more land clearing so we are now putting heat into the atmosphere way faster than it can radiate out into space . The final nail in our own self destruction was ICE as cars needed roads and allowe us to chop down evn more trees & build even bigger cities at places when man should never live , Salt Lake city being the text book example .
Roads required hard surfaces to run on so the got tarred over depriving the ground underneath of oxygen & sunlight so even the micro organisms in the soils that converted solar energy into chemical energy died .

So where is this going to ?
we need to stop adding energy the atmosphere as much as possible and we can do that by harnessing solar & wind to either do work or to generate electricity.
Note this does not remove energy from the atmosphere , that can only be done by radiating it into space as heat because every use of electricity ultimately turns that energy into heat energy which goes back into the atmosphere .

Now to prove that we are the most stupid species on the planet , in place of putting solar panels on places where we have already removed the plants , we are chopping down forests to put in solar farms because it suits the electricity retailers to do it that way rather than just putting panels on every existing building and making all new roofs either active solar collectors to heat & light your house or solar cells .
