Boy are some people dumb.

Honest Abe

Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2013
It poured down rain all night. Well one of the neighbors to try to drive across another neighbor yard in a full crew cub PU pulling a very heavy metal box trailer (the type you haul shingles in). Now the truck has the rear axles buried along with the trailer axles. Now he trying to pull both them with a Bad Boy ZTR. Not going to happen. I am just sitting here laughing myself silly.

Some years ago I ordered concrete for a yard project. I specifically told them to use my driveway because the ground was soft. Imagine my dismay when I came home and found a cement truck in the middle of my front yard "BURIED" to the door panels. The dang thing just missed breaking the gas line. It cost them $3,500 to repair the yard. Even though the work order authorized using the driveway the driver opted not to for fear of damaging it. The driveway was scheduled to be replaced the next month. Duhhhhh . . . . . .


Lawn Addict
Apr 16, 2018
It poured down rain all night. Well one of the neighbors to try to drive across another neighbor yard in a full crew cub PU pulling a very heavy metal box trailer (the type you haul shingles in). Now the truck has the rear axles buried along with the trailer axles. Now he trying to pull both them with a Bad Boy ZTR. Not going to happen. I am just sitting here laughing myself silly.

Several years ago, I got my Bronco stuck in the pasture. I was simply going to let it set there until it was safe to drive out. Well, my sons had a party at the house one night. All his friends had these jacked up 4X4 diesel trucks. So I jokingly said, maybe one of these guys can pull out the bronco..........And it really was a joke, because I knew my pasture. It was about 12 " to 18" of regular dirt, that sat on top of a thick layer of clay. So the dirt could be dry. But break into that layer within in two weeks of a rain, with any weight at all, and you're done for. So I knew that these big heavy diesel pick up would not survive.
Long story short, within 15 minutes, there was 6 trucks stuck in my pasture. Talk about a party killer.
At 5am, they finally got the last one out, including the my Bronco.

One really good thing, everyone who was driving, was completely sober by the time they left.


Lawn Addict
Apr 16, 2018
Some years ago I ordered concrete for a yard project. I specifically told them to use my driveway because the ground was soft. Imagine my dismay when I came home and found a cement truck in the middle of my front yard "BURIED" to the door panels. The dang thing just missed breaking the gas line. It cost them $3,500 to repair the yard. Even though the work order authorized using the driveway the driver opted not to for fear of damaging it. The driveway was scheduled to be replaced the next month. Duhhhhh . . . . . .

The door panels???? LMAO.......

There comes a time, like within 30 seconds of spinning the tires, you know you're not going to go anywhere. And doing anything else is only going to make it worse.
For some it takes a few minutes.


Lawn Addict
Apr 16, 2018
They needed a winch to effectively pull it out from being stuck.

Check out “Just Rolled In” on YouTube for stupid car repairs and problems customers have when bringing in their vehicles to shops. It is crazy how bad the condition of some cars on our roads.

Back when I was trucking, I'd bring loaded trailers home. My first time, I got my trailer stuck because I backed it a little too far into my pasture. Cost me $200 for the wrecker to pull me about 4ft.


Lawn Pro
Sep 5, 2014
Back when I was trucking, I'd bring loaded trailers home. My first time, I got my trailer stuck because I backed it a little too far into my pasture. Cost me $200 for the wrecker to pull me about 4ft.
I hear ya, those lessons one never forgets...