I use none of the above except on walk behinds where I use the pancake type because of space restrictions .
The sintered bronze filters are really good and can be backwashed I use them on my vintage motorcycles
I use metal cased ones on fire pump for obvious reason
Injected ones of course need a pressure tight filter if it is after the pressure pump so again a metal case job
All the rest get a 75µ long element filter that I buy directly from the factory in China in boxes of 200 because they cost 45¢ each delivered so I can sell them for $ 4.50 which is cheaper than any aftermarket filter the customer can buy thus I make a good mark up and they get a discount of $ 2.00 to $ 5.00 on the branded filter , win win win .
I have found these to work fine on just about everything .
The paper element types have 2 different constructions
On one the outlet is at the very end of the filter housing so these do not tend to get an airlock in them
The others have an outlet tube that protrudes inside the paper element so they will be subject to air locking unless fitted outlet side down
As Rivets already mentioned, there is no BEST just the right one or the job at hand
And like oil filter there will be a lot of opinion by a lot of people who have never thought it through
In reality the filter must have a flow rate higher than the carburettor, have a mesh size smaller than the main jet and hopefully smaller than the smallest particle that will cause the needle valve to fail
So almost any will do