

Forum Newbie
Jan 28, 2024
We always had to vote for the lesser of two evils, this is nothing new. I had more with Trump as president.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
We always had to vote for the lesser of two evils, this is nothing new. I had more with Trump as president.
If you take out the abnormalities generated by covid things were much worse under trump
What every one remembers was the cheapest petrol prices for decades and this was 100% the results of covid.
Because no one was driving much the refineries virtually gave away petrol because shutting a refinery down costs millions and defaulting on oil futures contracts costs trillions because you have to pay the price regardless of if you can use the oil or not .
As an example pre covid petrol was around $ 1.80 /L ( that is just over a US quart ) in the height of the lockdowns it dropped to $ 1.20 /L and I bought 400 L @ $ 1.05 which was the price back in 1999 .
Needless to say the bum in the White House has less than zero effect on petrol prices in Australia
Now because fuel prices went down every thing else went down and because no one was eating out food prices went down, particularly in catering sized packages
Another example rolled oats in a 25 kg bag went from $ 20 to $ 14.50 , rice dropped from $ 30 to $ 20 for the 20kg bags and flour was virtually given away .
Now the day that travel restrictions ended fuel went strait up to $ 2.20 /l as the petrol companies tried to recover some of the profits they lost .

This greatly distorts what American remember of the trump presidency & the beginning of the Biden presidency .
IF you want the facts then they are all there in charts & tables available from government agencies
In Australia it is easy because each State & the Commonwealth print an annual year book and just about every public library subscribes to them so I can go back and look at all of the data from 2020 in a book that was printed in the first month of 2021 so no chance of fiddling the numbers 3 years latter .

On a YT channel there was a similar argument and one of the people involved went to the effort of actually finding tables of fuel prices , travel prices, interest rates, border crossings , shootings , armed robberies, arrests , average wages, median wages , stock market indicies , unemployment, jobs growth etc etc etc and the net result was the dissenter simply fires off a mile of foul language , abuse followed by "ALL FAKE NUMBERS " and no surprise YT pulled the video and the channel .

Now I do not care what colour undies & sox the next occupant of the White house wears it will make less than zero difference to me as I can get just about everything I need direct from China .
It will make a big difference to every one in the USA so people really should fact check what both parties are says because politicians always lie at election times .

But if you really want to inform yourself as to weather you are voting for a genuine political part or a cult then take 20 minutes to watch the Netflix docco linked below and then apply it to what both parties have been saying
Or just google "how to form a cult" there are thousands of papers and articles on exactly how to do it .
And all of them require 1 major thing , to isolate your followers from reality so the only person they believe is you thus everything that does not fit your narrative becomes "Fake News " .

And if you have not already screamed "that Bert is a communist MF_SOB & he is spreading fake news " below is an article on how to become a dictator from back in 2017.


Lawn Addict
Apr 16, 2018
A life long democrat, who still has a lot of democrat ways vs a vegetable. Voters mostly guided by misinformation and embellishments of both candidates.

From an actual conservative stand point (not a republican one) both Trump and Biden are way too left leaning. And way too much alike on so many aspects. When look at the actual records of both, there's not enough difference in the two to even care which one will be president next year.

Both sides take credit for things they had nothing to do with (IE oil/gas prices). And they blame each other for the bad things.

Republicans gave up their fiscal concerns for trickle down economics, that ballooned the debt, deficit and is destroying the USD value. Democrats gave up their liberal concerns for the radical progressives and the woke ideology.

As a fiscal conservative myself, I don't have a party to support.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
The worry is the back room boys , the Federalist Society & Heritage Foundation .
Both have been working to turn the USA into an Autocracy and have just been waiting for a charismatic useful idiot .
So a con artist called trump comes along and starts a cult following who blindly follow him over a cliff .
The aim of both bak room societies is to recreate a russian "democracy" in the USA where they will have unfettered power
I did download the Project 2025 manifesto but at 900 pages I will not be reading it and this is what the Heritage foundation want to happen.
Remember your whole government , legal & political system was laid out in 4 pages of hand written text yet they need 900 pages to elucidate how they are going to enforce the bits that will suit them .

I for one am flabbergasted that any sane person would allow a convicted sex offender , tax cheat who ad bankrupted everything he touched to sit in the oval office .
But then again the rest of the world thinks the Americans are the stupidist people on the planet and trump being in the white house once proves it .

Have a look at the people who mow lawns, paint houses , dig holes in the roads, tend crops , the bulk of them are Hispanic and if 20,000,000 get deported who is going to do the work that most Americans believe is below their dignity to do .
Desantis changed the laws regarding illegals and killed the Florida construction & farming industries just imagine what it will be like nation wide .


Staff member
Sep 24, 2017
i would say, hopefully all the white americans would be smart enough to realize the trades are important... but why do that when you can make millions without breaking a sweat.


Lawn Addict
Apr 16, 2018
Most yards are $50 a pop. My ex, she pays $40. The crew comes in, mows, weed eats and edges the drive & curb in about 10 to 15 minutes. And they're gone.

If she were to buy even a cheap mower from WM, it would be over $1000. She can get her yard mowed many many times for that.


Lawn Addict
Apr 16, 2018
I for one am flabbergasted that any sane person would allow a convicted sex offender , tax cheat who ad bankrupted everything he touched to sit in the oval office .

I think you know I'm no Trump fan. But there's a LOT of gold digging women in this country. The woman that accused Trump of raping her, has also accused others of it. She's gotten rich off it of men.

And as far as the tax cheating thing goes, I don't think many would care if he cheated the government out of millions. Considering they spending billions upon billions for things that 99% of the citizens here don't even care about. Like the last omnibus bill, gave like $760,000 for some DEI park in NY.