You have to undestand how the engines are made.
They are assembled with the same assembly grease that most good mechanics use which is basically a wax
When they get to the end of the production line they are hooked up to a diagnosis machine and propane ( usually) is fed into the carb throat so the engine can be fired up.
They get run for a few seconds then if the machine says it is OK then put into a box for single sale or on a rack for mower factories.
If the machine says no then they get sent down to mechanical rectification for repair.
As such they are not run in
How much running in they need is directly proportional to the machining
The finner the surface finishes the less running in the engine needs
So it is feasable for tighter control over build quality to circumvent the need for the early post run in check.
Now I am a belts & Braces type of guy so regardless of what the manual says, they will always get an early oil change & full service check.
If all dealers & owners actually did this then the Kohler Courage cracks would never have happened because techs would have found the loose crank case bolts earlier.
This first service used to be free and considered as part of the delivery service.
Naturally big box stores did not do this so it became a job for dealers to do ( at a loss if done properly ) to mowers that they did not sell.
I do not know how the factories reimbersed dealers for doing this .
Down here the dealer wears the cost because it is supposed to come out of the retail mark up .
However if the mower was not bought from the dealer, then I would assume the factory had to pay for it ( No idea )
So knowing how directors & CEO's think I can see them doing the numbers & deciding to do away with the early service.
The last Loncin engine I fitted had an instruction to do oil & filter change at 30 hours or end of first season whichever comes first.
I am yet to see an engine that fell apart due to excessive oil changes
OTOH I have seen quite a few that were trashed by not changing the oil
Your engine
Your decision